The next Aquarius will start in 318 days (Tuesday, 20 January, 2026, 20:01 UTC)

The Moon moves to Aquarius in 16 days (Monday, 24 March, 2025, 20:01 UTC)

Mercury moves to Aquarius in 318 days (Tuesday, 20 January, 2026, 20:01 UTC)

Venus moves to Aquarius in 315 days (Saturday, 17 January, 2026, 20:01 UTC)

Mars moves to Aquarius in 321 days (Friday, 23 January, 2026, 20:01 UTC)

Pluto is currently in Aquarius


Pluto In Aquarius

In a way, it’s quite simple: Pluto is the planet of transformation, and Aquarius is the sign of progress. We better believe that, once Pluto transits through Aquarius, life as we know it will be a thing of the past.

When we say Pluto is the sign of transformation, we mean serious transformation. Not a simple change in how we look or who we hang out with, but a significant shift in our souls. He’s is the planet of death, but also of rebirth. Pluto is all about shedding our old identities and releasing perspectives that no longer serve us, to make space for something better. And THAT’S what makes this transit so impactful: Aquarius and Pluto are both about regeneration, and their combined energies have incredible power to advance humanity on a global scale.

Worldwide changes in science, technology, and space travel would not be surprising to see while Pluto is in Aquarius, but, more importantly, we’ll see profound shifts in civil rights and humanitarianism. The most powerful people will be those who work together and who value the lives, feelings, and experiences of others. Governments and systems that have worked against each other in the past can find common ground during this transit to forge new alliances for the future.

In our personal lives, Pluto in Aquarius urges us to transform our view of ourselves and our place in this world. It’s natural to think of what is best for ourselves and what will help us most in the future, but what if it was our first, natural instinct to think of what’s best for others and what will help us all most in the future? This is the change that Pluto in Aquarius wants to see in us. Will we answer the call?

Aquarius Report

"Aquarian Alert! Uranus in Retrograde: Expect Sudden Bursts of Genius or Just More Frequent Trips to the Fridge!"

The next Aquarius will start in 34 days, at Sunday, 21 January, 2024

The Moon moves to Aquarius in 25 days, at Friday, 12 January, 2024

Mercury moves to Aquarius in 49 days, at Monday, 05 February, 2024

Venus moves to Aquarius in 61 days, at Saturday, 17 February, 2024

Mars moves to Aquarius in 57 days, at Tuesday, 13 February, 2024

Pluto moves to Aquarius in 34 days, at Sunday, 21 January, 2024

The First Quarter moon is currently 5.8 days old. The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan 2024.

Greetings, Aquarius! As the First Quarter Moon is currently in its 5.8 days phase, it's like a teenager; full of energy, rebellious, and with a lot of mood swings! So, brace yourself for an emotional roller coaster! Let's get nerdy for a moment. Since the moon is around 5.8 days old, it's in its Waxing Gibbous phase - think of it as a moon that's chugging coffee and Red Bull, getting ready for its big Full Moon show. It’s indeed a 'rise and shine' time for you, my dear Aquarius! If I were to paint your week like Picasso, I'd use bold strokes of creativity with a splash of unexpected surprises. So, prepare yourself to master the art of juggling. You might feel like you're part of a circus act, but trust me, you’re more of a Van Gogh starry night – full of mystery and fascination. Watch out for those Mercury-Uranus squares, though. They're like the artistic critique that you didn't ask for, but sometimes you need. They might induce a paradigm shift, so stay flexible. Remember, even rubber bands snap when they resist too much tension. Your communication skills are peaking this week, so it's the perfect time to present your innovative ideas. Think of it as a TED Talk but without the stage fright. You're the Steve Jobs of your life, pitching the next big thing. And remember, even if people don't understand your vision initially, don't worry. It took years for people to appreciate abstract art! Finally, remember, like any great artist, you have a unique vision, and not everyone will understand it, and that's okay. You're not a mainstream sitcom; you're more like an indie cult classic. Here's your hashtags for the week: #AquariusVibes #FirstQuarterMoon #5.8DaysOld #WaxingGibbous #PicassoWeek #CommunicatorAquarius Stay groovy, Aquarius!


SignToday Is Posting: 18.12.2023 08:42:01 (aqu-18-12-2023)

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