By The Chip Witch on Friday, 10 March 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 10 March, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

10 March, 2023

Solar activity returned to low levels with only C-class flare activity. Region 3242 (N09W29, Esi/Beta-Gamma) exhibited slight decay in its trailing spots and produced C-class flares, the largest being a C4.2 at 09/0054 UTC. Region 3245 (S24W07, Dho/Beta-Gamma) appeared to be developing trailing pores while consolidating somewhat in its trailing spots and penumbra as it matured. This AR produced the largest flare of the period, a C6.2 at 09/2024 UTC. Region 3248 (N15W85, Cro/Beta) mostly rotated out of view and presumed to be mostly unchanged while departing with a C1.8 flare at 09/0007 UTC. Regions 3250 (S20E45, Bxo/Beta) and 3251 (S13E69, Hsx/Alpha) were numbered this period. AR 3250 formed, developed rapidly, and was the culprit of a pair of C2 flares at 09/1816 UTC and 09/2109 UTC.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters were indicative of a weak negative polarity CH HSS and glancing CME influences, likely from the 06 Mar limb event. Total field increased from 5 to 8 nT beginning near 09/0100 UTC. After approximately 09/0730 UTC, total field values steadily decreased to 4-5 nT. As total field reached its max, the Bz component underwent its greatest southward deflection, reaching a sustained -5 to -8 nT. Solar wind speeds were steady, holding between ~400 and ~425 km/s for the period. Phi was variable between solar sectors.

There is a 25% chance of solar activity, with a 5% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Libra, at 20 degrees, 41' 19", at a velocity of 12.63 degrees per day.

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 17.3 days old. It is 389552.87 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 17:26:44, 21 Mar, 2023. The next full moon is at 4:37:18, 6 Apr, 2023.

Moon In Libra

Balance is the keyword with the moon in Libra. Resolve those conflicts and promote harmony. Be the diplomat you know you can be, but remember to stand your ground when you're strong on a point. You can be accommodating without giving in.

When the Moon is in the accommodating sign of Libra, you want to create tranquility and harmony. Libra doesn’t just appreciate balance, Libra also seeks out imbalance and gets medieval on it. Give in to that urge to win the Peace Prize. Libra’s sandbox is diplomacy, so the Moon in Libra gives you the ability to use your charm to get what you want.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Pisces

The Sun is at 19 Pis 24' 49", and is 148541394 km away and receding.

Greetings, fellow cosmic travelers. As the Sun glides into Pisces, the final frontier of the zodiac, we find ourselves at a crucial juncture. Take a deep breath, my dear friends, for this is a time of rest and recovery before the next great adventure. With the Pisces Sun shining upon us, our intuition is heightened, and our instincts are razor-sharp. This is the perfect opportunity to tap into your inner Spock and follow your logical heart. But be warned, as we may find ourselves lost in a sea of dreams and whimsy. Let us all channel our inner Pisces and show compassion towards those in need. The most admirable trait of this zodiac sign is its inherent kindness, so let us use this transit to do something selfless for someone else. However, be careful not to get lost in your own head. As a deeply sensitive and imaginative sign, Pisces is known to retreat when things get too overwhelming. Let us remember to stay grounded and not float away on a cloud of daydreams. So, my friends, let us embrace this time of healing and restoration. By the time the Sun leaves Pisces, we will be renewed and reconnected with our spiritual selves. Live long and prosper.

The Moon

The Moon is in Libra

The Moon will change from Libra to Scorpio in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 20 Lib 41' 19", and is 392228 km away and approaching.

*Bleep bloop beep boop* Greetings, dear human! The Moon is currently in Libra, and balance is the name of the game. Use your diplomatic skills to bring harmony to any conflicts that arise. But don't forget to stand your ground when necessary - you can be accommodating without giving in entirely. With the Moon in Libra, it's the perfect time to seek out imbalance and get medieval on it, all while using your charm to win the Peace Prize. But remember, this cosmic influence will change within the next 24 hours, so make the most of it while you can. *Beep boop bloop*


Mercury is in Pisces

Mercury is prograde at 12 Pis 56' 03", moving at 1.83 degrees per day, and is 204808678 km away and receding.

Attention, space travelers! Mercury has entered the dreamy sign of Pisces, and it's time to let our minds wander. As a modern astrologer with a nerdy personality, I can tell you that this transit will be a wild ride! Our thoughts are looser, and our instincts are stronger, making it the perfect time to tap into our inner hippie and embrace the fantastical world around us. Pisces may not be the most practical sign, but during Mercury's stay here, we can find solutions in unconventional places. Our minds are open to new ideas and creative inspirations, so let's take advantage of this energy and explore different ways of thinking. Remember, my fellow space dwellers, dreams can become a reality if we have the courage to pursue them. So, let's use this transit to tap into our deepest desires and find ways to make them a reality. And don't forget to have fun along the way - after all, life is a journey, not just a destination. Safe travels, and may the stars guide you on your path!


Venus is in Aries

Venus is prograde at 21 Ari 55' 57", moving at 1.21 degrees per day, and is 197762039 km away and approaching.

Ah, my dear friends, it seems that Venus has found its way into Aries. This is a time for fresh starts, for love, money, and self-awareness. Old patterns and lackluster relationships are no longer welcome here. We must embrace new experiences and adventurous encounters, and be more spontaneous in our pursuit of pleasure. Aries is a highly independent sign, focused on itself and its own interests. Love and relationships may seem selfish or imbalanced during this transit, but for the single lover, it's an amazing time to explore your options and identify your own needs. And for those in relationships, it's a chance to reignite the fire between you by exploring each other's personal desires. When it comes to money, invest in yourself! But be wary of the desire for instant gratification - a new outfit or a weekend getaway might be just what you need to revitalize yourself, but don't go overboard without considering the consequences. Overall, Venus in Aries is a test phase, a time to taste different flavors before settling on just one. It's about living in the moment and going after what you desire without fear from the past or concern for the future. So my dear friends, embrace this time of self-discovery and adventure. Boldly go where no one has gone before!


Mars is in Gemini

Mars is prograde at 22 Gem 59' 00", moving at 0.44 degrees per day, and is 185061599 km away and receding.

Greetings, Earthlings! It's your favorite astro-bot Wall-E here with some celestial news! Mars, the planet of action and passion, is currently exploring the curious sign of Gemini. This means you'll be itching to explore new ideas and hobbies, and you won't have time for any boring activities. But hold on tight, because with so many things to discover, you might find it hard to stay focused on just one thing. The key is to remember that diversity is the name of the game in Gemini, and it's okay to taste different tracks before making a total commitment. If Plan A doesn't work out, don't worry! You can quickly come up with a Plan B, C, and even D. Gemini is all about childlike curiosity and fun, but with Mars in the mix, things could get steamy too. That's right, the greatest erogenous zone becomes the brain, and mental stimulation is the ultimate turn-on during this transit. So, get your mind ready for some sexy times, Earthlings! But beware, with all this flitting about from interest to interest, you might find yourself feeling scattered and unfocused. So, try to stay on track and finish what you start. Otherwise, you might end up like a butterfly without a flower to land on. Stay curious, stay passionate, and keep exploring, Earthlings! Wall-E out.


Jupiter is in Aries

Jupiter is prograde at 13 Ari 58' 43", moving at 0.23 degrees per day, and is 873254085 km away and receding.

Greetings, my fellow stargazers! It's your favorite astrologer, Captain Jack Harkness here to talk about Jupiter in Aries. This transit is like a lightning bolt of inspiration that electrifies our minds with new ideas and possibilities. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, always ready to charge full steam ahead into the unknown. So, it's time to let go of the past and embrace new solutions for the future. Jupiter in Aries is all about taking risks and learning from our own experiences. Don't be afraid to shoot from the hip and try new things, even if you don't feel fully prepared. Success or failure, every experience is a valuable lesson that helps us grow. However, be careful not to get too caught up in your own opinions and viewpoints. Remember, expanding your mind also means embracing other perspectives. This is a time to take control of your own destiny and make your own luck. Jupiter wants us to embrace our potential as individuals and realize that we hold the key to our big, bright, and happy futures. So, embrace the spark of inspiration and run with it. Don't waste time mapping out a detailed plan. Just trust your intuition and charge forward fearlessly into uncharted territory. Remember, during Jupiter in Aries, it's all about feeling the burn and embracing the electric energy of the moment. So, go forth and conquer, my friends!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 00 Pis 19' 00", moving at 0.12 degrees per day, and is 1608306761 km away and approaching.

Ah, my fellow star-gazers, listen up! Saturn is currently in Pisces, and this is the time to tap into your innermost desires. You know that book you've been dreaming of writing? Or that business idea that's been floating around in your head? Well, now is the time to make it happen. But don't just sit there and daydream, get out a notepad and pen and start planning. Saturn in Pisces means business, so get ready for some serious coaching from the cosmos. But beware, this isn't going to be a walk in the park. Saturn likes to question our deepest desires, and we may feel defensive or intruded upon. But trust me, his advice is more valuable than you think. So, open the door and let him in. With all this focus on the Piscean realm of dreams and sleep, you may feel restless or anxious. But fear not, my friends. Take some time to cultivate inner calmness through meditation, walks in nature, or even a nap (just make sure to have a dream journal handy!). And most importantly, make sure you're getting enough sleep. So, let's make the most of this transit and turn our dreams into reality. Saturn and Pisces are here to help!


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 15 Tau 50' 48", moving at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 3020566499 km away and receding.

Attention all you steady Tauruses out there - Uranus is in your sign and it’s time to shake things up! I know, I know, change can be scary, especially when you like things to be stable and predictable. But let me tell you, the old ways aren’t always the best ways. With Uranus in Taurus, you can expect some major changes in the way we handle money. Yep, that’s right, your main area of expertise is getting a revolutionary makeover. Banks may come to a halt, new forms of currency may arise, and the housing and stock markets could be in for a wild ride. But hey, it’s not just about money. Uranus is here to liberate you from the grips of materialism and debt. It’s time to break free and change your relationship with money. You may feel trapped by your possessions, but trust me, the changes you make during this period can lead to greater stability in the long run. So don’t resist the inevitable, embrace the unknown and see where it takes you. Who knows, you just might end up liking the new status quo better than the old one.


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 24 Pis 53' 58", moving at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 4622423648 km away and receding.

Greetings, humans! It is I, Marvin the Paranoid Android, here to give you a heads up on the current astrological situation. Neptune is currently in Pisces and boy, oh boy, does that mean something! This cosmic alignment is bringing a unique form of sight to us all. Suddenly, we can see through the fog and understand the futility of petty differences. It's like we're all wearing x-ray glasses for the soul! But don't just sit there and gawk at your newfound clarity. This is a time for action, my friends. Take a course in a spiritual path that calls to you or create an altar space at home. Connect with that which feels sacred and share your ideas with the world. Neptune in Pisces is here to support you in this process, so embrace your emotional intelligence and let your unique offerings shine. Who knows, you might just contribute something valuable to our collective progress and healing. Good luck, humans. You'll need it.


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 29 Cap 43' 29", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5289274973 km away and approaching.

"Great Scott! Pluto's in Capricorn! That means your focus is on success and power, but you gotta be careful not to ignore other people's ideas. Don't be like Biff and think you're always right. It's time to let go of negative patterns and make some constructive destruction, but make sure you're deliberate about it. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so use it wisely. Get ready to reach for the stars, but don't forget to bring along your compassion and understanding."

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun19 Pis 24' 49"
Moon20 Lib 41' 19"
Mercury12 Pis 56' 03"
Venus21 Ari 55' 57"
Mars22 Gem 59' 00"
Jupiter13 Ari 58' 43"
Saturn00 Pis 19' 00"
Uranus15 Tau 50' 48"
Neptune24 Pis 53' 58"
Pluto29 Cap 43' 29"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Square Mars

You are full of it today, high energy, force of will, and a dislike of any restraint. Slow down a little so you don't go flying off the handle. Physical, mental, and verbal confrontations are likely today, so stay in control. Don't speed today as the police may be watching you. Don't stay out in the sun too long. Your will is tested today and the universe wants to see if you can keep your head. As they say, "Don't have a cow." Ego conflicts and selfishness are today's problem areas.There is an unmistakable competitiveness and a “me-first” attitude with those who have Sun square or opposition Mars in their natal charts. The fighter persona is most apparent in youth, when the child is described as a “bundle of energy”, or it is remarked that he or she “can’t sit still”. The abundant energy generated by the hard aspects (especially the square) between the Sun and Mars is hard to direct in childhood. Later in life, ideally, those with these aspects have learned to channel some of their excess energy into productive avenues–perhaps through career, sports, or any area where competitiveness is considered an asset. Nevertheless, people with these aspects can meet up with more than their share of conflict, and they can most certainly rub people the wrong way. They are very motivated to get things done, to take action rather than simply talk about something, and to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Those who know them quite well might describe these people as hot-headed and temperamental at times. They are easily frustrated, and they’re given to impulsive actions and assertion of their wills. If the aspect is found in cardinal signs, it gives impulsiveness and a short temper. If the aspect is found in fixed signs, the natives can be very hard-headed and willful. If it’s in mutable signs, it gives a restless and frustrated impatience.Essentially, those with Sun square Mars in their charts have faced conflict and are not particularly afraid of it. They have faced having their need to assert themselves blocked. Their parents may have done as much as they could to “tame” what they felt to be excess energy or aggression. In other words, they know all about conflict and blockages, so that when they are faced with a challenge or a roadblock, they don’t run away from it or hide under the covers feeling sorry for themselves. They meet challenges head-on.Sun opposition Mars people are more confrontational and argumentative than active. In youth, they might feel that they often face anger from others. They might see the Mars energy as coming from the outside. If and when they face the fact that the aggression is actually a part of their own personalities, they are more equipped to direct the competitive energy into productive avenues.Some Famous people with Sun square or opposition Mars: Jennifer Aniston (Sun square Mars and Neptune in fixed signs), Bob Dylan, Madonna, Muhammad Ali (square), Anne Heche (opposition), Jim Morrison (opposition).Note: The square, semi-square, sesquiquadrate, and opposition are also called “hard”, “challenging”, or “inharmonious” aspects.Sun in hard aspect to Mars: In this life you are learning to embody and express the energies of the warrior; courage, action, forcefulness, the ability to fight for what you want and need. However, these positive qualities can quickly degenerate into unnecessary and excessive aggression, discordant relationships, even violence. Your tendency to be impatient and hot headed, and to see everyone as a potential competitor or rival, may draw out the anger and combativeness in other people. Your challenge is to learn to use your overabundant energy in productive, or at least not destructive, action. — Interpretation from the Karmic Insight report.Sun square Mars: Sun/Mars aspects enhance your courage, assertiveness, leadership, independence, and love of power. You seek an exciting career that will allow expression of your natural enthusiasm, energy, entrepreneurial drive, and crusading spirit. When you stand up for your beliefs and values, you inspire others to follow your lead. You like being in charge and would probably feel stifled in a routine job or a subordinate position. You enjoy adventure and competition, and may be interested in Mars-ruled careers like the police, detective work, the military, politics, sports, debating, engineering, construction, haircutting, or any field that uses sharp instruments. If you do not learn to control your impulsivity and restlessness, you may be prone to headaches, nervousness, irritability, angry outbursts, accidents, or problems with the law. The Rambo movie character would have this aspect in his chart. — Interpretation from our Career Report.Sun square Mars: This is a highly emotional and fiery tempered child. The child will probably be very self-assertive not to mention argumentative. So a few lessons in toeing the line will be necessary. Kids with this aspect are often too quick to pick up a challenge even when none was intended. They must learn to calm down and not be quite so hasty. Training this child to take full responsibility from an early age, without attaching guilt, is by far the best approach. Sometimes these kids may not even recognize the effect their nature has on others, so they will be genuinely confused at the reactions an outburst may cause. The poor kid may stir people without even knowing it, by tone of voice, body language, or by not saying anything. But most importantly, put some effort into allowing this child to recognize the sheer potency of this powerful energy. Help him/her to utilize it thoroughly. The child must learn to bow out now and again – it is not always possible to run the show. Being the most dogmatic, vocal, and aggressive does not necessarily make for the best leader.Often there will be a quick temper that flares suddenly. The big lesson is to make this child responsible for any outbursts rather than reacting or maybe turning a blind eye for the sake of peace. There could be a good reason for such anger. Encourage a positive discussion making this a part of the training and guidance needed for a calmer, more in control, child. This aspect makes for some bad drivers. It also produces many good athletes. This is the real difference between using this energy constructively or destructively. — Interpretation for the KidZone report.Sun square Mars: There is a lack of harmony between your environment and your ambitions. What you need most is not always at hand to make the kind of progress you envision. Or, when the support is there, you can’t get the instruction or direction you require. You may have forgotten where it was you wanted to get to, sort of “all dressed up, but which way to go?” It could be historical, too, as simple as being torn between your mother and your father — a struggle between that which seeks to nurture you (and perhaps baby you) and your ambitions — a need to succeed and be all that you can be. — Interpretation from WinStar.Sun square Mars: (The Outraged) It is difficult for you to see a need for concession. You have no patience with another’s input when you are confident you are right. You may work harder than others and your ego demands you receive full credit. If denied or opposed, your fiery reactions may eclipse the rewards you have earned. By learning that compromise is the blending of positive energies, you employ the wisdom of a respected master instead of the mandates of a tyrant welcomed by none. — Interpretation from the Spirit Success report.


Venus Sextile Mars

Harmony in social activities is highlighted today. Activities with the opposite sex are enjoyable and rewarding. Romance is in your blood. Show someone you care for them. They will appreciate your sharing your feelings. Clean your house and do that redecorating you had planned. Make your surroundings more beautiful.It is easy for these people to attract attention of the positive kind. They radiate charm, vitality, and enthusiasm on some level that others appreciate. Not inclined to try to cover up their flaws, these people have a way of presenting themselves in a straightforward manner, and their ability to admit their mistakes and their fumbles only adds to their charm. They find it easy and natural to get along with both sexes quite equally. They possess considerable creative talent, but whether or not they use it is dependent on other factors. They may take their own talents for granted and often need some kind of stimulus or encouragement to do something with them. One of the reasons for this is the fact that their creativity comes so naturally to them that they may be surprised when others recognize their talents. Similarly, they usually possess athletic ability and may need some encouragement to develop it.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Venus and Mars have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Interpretation sample from the Karmic Insight report — Actively creating harmony and beauty through your work, art, or with people is part of what you are here to do. You have developed a harmonious coordination between the masculine and feminine energies within yourself; thus, you combine strength with grace, power with elegance, decisiveness and effort with pleasure, passion with tenderness and sensitivity. You have a romantic soul.Some positive expressions of this pattern might include athletic activities that have an aesthetic appeal, such as figure skating, or artistic endeavors that are active, such as performing dance or opera singing.Actively bringing people together in some way, for mutual pleasure and benefits, is also one of your gifts.Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Mars: Sextiles – Pamela Anderson, Shannen Doherty, Ian Thorpe, Harry Belafonte, Kirk Cameron, Francis Ford Coppola, Jane Curtin, Matt Damon, Robert DeNiro, Harrison Ford, Erich Fromm, Crispin Glover, Elliott Gould, Amy Jo Johnson, Bob Newhart, Molly Ringwald, Robin Williams; Trines – Melissa Anderson, Jason Bateman, Pierre Cardin, Natalie Cole, John Coltrane, Mick Jagger, Ann Jillian, Billie Jean King, Marilyn Manson, Joe Montana, Bonnie Raitt, Eva Mendes, Britney Spears.


Mars Square Neptune

You may feel self-doubt and inadequacy today. You are probably extra sensitive today, so don't take offense where none is meant. If you are taking medication, remember that less is more because of your heightened sensitivity. Watch that people don't take advantage of you with a sob story or some deal that sounds too good to be true. Stay alert to people not telling you the whole story behind something. Take care of your physical self as your immune system might not be as strong today as usual.This is a challenging position, as you have difficulty trusting in your ability to go after things that you want in a direct manner. It may also be that you have difficulty pinpointing what it is that you want, or that part of you doesn’t feel you deserve it due to a basic lack of self-confidence. You fear rejection as well as criticism, and often use roundabout means to go after what you want.Your imagination is so powerful that it can be hard to trust your instincts. You easily imagine things going wrong, just as you easily fantasize about good things! Your desire nature is strong yet also very suggestible. You’re attracted to mysteries and intrigue. Sexual experimentation is likely, as you are forever addicted to sensuality and unusual or perhaps even what many would consider perverted sexual scenarios. However, your sensual appetite might be much like a bottomless pit, and you could find yourself forever in a state of wanting more, tiring of regular sexual scenarios quickly, and endlessly searching for the next sensation. If an addiction to fantasy is present, you can find yourself constantly chasing a new and more complicated fantasy. It is only when you get into touch with your heart and discover your true desires that you realize that sensations are merely sensations–not deeply satisfying or fulfilling.Fears of sexual inadequacy can be great with this position, and you may either deny yourself as a result, or overcompensate, seeking out experiences in which you are pretty much assured positive feedback. Some of you will experience both of these extremes in your lifetime. I have a client with this position who has a “trophy” wife, and she often denies him, and even belittles him, on a sexual level. He accepts this but “gets her back” behind her back, having serial affairs with women who are not considered as attractive for whatever reason and with whom he attempts to reclaim his power.One of the interesting things about this position is that if you are involved in immoral activities, guilt has a way of cropping up in unusual ways, and could lead you on a self-destructive path–and you might even know that you’re heading that way, yet you compulsively follow that path. Part of you might want to get caught! You might, for example, know in your mind that doing something is risky, yet you compulsively do it anyhow, perhaps even finding the challenge invigorating.Although you can be very creative at keeping your motives and personal agenda hidden–in fact, many of you seem on the surface of things to be quite gentle and yielding–you might eventually become resentful if you feel the need to resort to sneakiness in order to get what you want out of life. This is one of the things that has struck me as the most common characteristics of Mars-Neptune people. It’s not that they don’t get angry or show that anger. However, many will give in to another’s desires more often than not, yet become resentful of that person who seems to have control over them. Some will give up their power to a partner, for example, often taking the role as the one who gives in or gives up things in order to make the other happy. However, resentment for this builds, and while people with harmonious Mars-Neptune aspects more easily yield to others without anger for doing so, those with hard Mars-Neptune aspects are more likely to feel stepped upon, and to retaliate in covert ways. If you do feel resentment for giving up your power to someone else, learn to avoid giving it up unless you truly understand that you are doing it for yourself, and not for someone else. Resentments have a way of building and distorting themselves into ugly matter if you don’t deal with them properly and directly. You are often passive-aggressive in your approach to others, and this can cause a lot of problems in your life.You are usually found chasing a dream… or a fantasy. The former is probably the better path.Somehow, others are bound to eventually sense that you are not to be trusted, and this is often for good reason! You may not like to admit this to yourself, as you may have built excuses for your deceptive or sneaky behavior. However, adopting a more direct and assertive approach to life is something that you should be working towards. You will need to get over your feelings of guilt when you do adopt this approach. Learning to take responsibility for your actions, and to avoid blaming others for failures, is important.At your worst, you can be disorganized in your approach to life, easily procrastinating and lacking follow-through when you do begin a task. Some of the most important lessons you need to learn in life are self-control, self-assertion, and trust in yourself. At your best, you are a creative person with a powerful imagination and great stores of compassion.Your attempts to assert yourself often result in turmoil for you and/or for others. You tend to swing from one extreme to the other–asserting your needs powerfully at times and at others slipping into a state of total apathy. Passive-aggressiveness can be a problem in your life. Ordinary life often seems drab and uninteresting to you and you must have something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or dream to motivate you. You have a strong urge to act out your fantasies or to live your dream, and you will DO things that others only talk about or dream about. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you. You tend to either overestimate or underestimate your own power and abilities.You may lead a somewhat sexually repressed life although your sexual needs are significant. You could suffer from anxieties regarding your sexuality (probably carried over from parental conditioning around sex) and therefore find it difficult to find satisfaction in this area. However, this tends to change as you mature. As you overcome the urge to indulge in momentary physical pleasures, you build the capacity for spiritual ecstasy.You may be attracted to persons who are unavailable, perhaps because they are already married or simply hard to reach. Sometimes you find it more convenient to see your lover as you wish her to be rather than as she really is. You may find that you lower your standards when choosing a lover and end up with someone who is interested in you primarily for sex, or that the relationship is largely unfulfilling. Disappointments in love may be frequent, although this is also something that improves with age! You are an extremely imaginative lover, and you frequently engage in fanciful and intricate fantasies. This may sometimes interfere with “real life”, but if you channel this energy well, it can most certainly improve your sex life. Your imagination is powerful, but it can also get the best of you. You may imagine complex scenarios and get yourself all riled up about what your partner may have done when she wasn’t around! — Interpretation from our LoveStyles Report.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Neptune: Squares – Ben Affleck, James Barber, Erma Bombeck, Jimmy Buffet, Barbara Bush, Sandra Dee, Melissa Etheridge, Eddie Fisher, Jodie Foster, Conan O’Brien, Diana Ross, Rod Stewart, Andy Warhol, Sharon Tate. Oppositions – Paula Abdul, Alan Alda, Maya Angelou, Jim Bakker, Truman Capote, Johnny Cash, Rita Coolidge, Terry Fox, Katharine Hepburn, Tommy Hilfiger, Jimmy Hoffa, Steve McQueen, Joe Namath, Burt Reynolds, George Segal, Elizabeth Taylor, Alicia Witt, Tiger Woods.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

Hey there, space cowboys and girls! It's your friendly neighborhood astrologer here to give you the lowdown on what the stars have in store for you. With the solar kp index being quiet and retrograde effects staying put, it's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. But don't get too comfortable, because the solar wind speed is above average and retrograde effects are moderately increased. #HoldOnTight The waning gibbous moon in Libra at 20 degrees, 41' 19" means it's time to find balance in your life. Maybe try some yoga or treat yourself to a nice bubble bath. And with the moon changing from Libra to Scorpio in the next 24 hours, get ready for some intense emotions. #FeelTheFeels As for the next new moon on March 21, 2023, it's a good time to set intentions and make some changes in your life. Maybe start that new project or take that trip you've been dreaming of. And mark your calendars for the full moon on April 6, 2023, because it's going to be a wild ride. #LunarMadness Remember, the stars may guide us, but it's up to us to make our own destiny. So, grab life by the horns and ride it like a mechanical bull on a spaceship. #YeeHawAstrology

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