By The Chip Witch on Monday, 03 July 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 3 July, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

3 July, 2023

Solar activity reached strong levels. Region 3354 (N16W58, Fkc/beta-gamma-delta) produced the strongest event of the period, along-duration, X1 event at 02/2314 UTC. Associated with this event was a 5 minute long, 200 sfu Tenflare. Region 3359 (S22E41, Dai/beta) was the next most active region of the period producing an M2.0 flare at 02/0235 UTC. Accompanying the M2 flare were multiple discreet frequency radio bursts, a Type II radio sweep (379 km/s) and a CME off the SE limb at 02/0324 UTC. The CME is not expected to be geoeffective. This region, along with Regions 3358 (S12E43, Dai/beta), 3357 (S07E18, Dao/beta) and 3354 all exhibited growth. The remaining numbered active regions were either stable or in decay. No Earth-directed CMEs were identified in available coronagraph imagery.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters were slightly enhanced with solar wind speeds mostly between ~400-465 km/s. Total field ranged from 5-6 nT while the Bz component was between +3/-4 nT. Phi angle was mostly positive.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Capricorn, at 08 degrees, 00' 52", at a velocity of 14.87 degrees per day.

The Full moon is currently 14.5 days old. It is 368054.85 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 18:33:06, 17 Jul, 2023. The next full moon is at 18:33:26, 1 Aug, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Cancer

The Sun is at 11 Can 06' 04", and is 152089978km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Capricorn

The Moon is at 08 Cap 00' 52", and is 362518km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Capricorn

Great Scott! The Moon in Capricorn? We gotta get this flux capacitor... err, I mean your life force, in gear! At 362,674.941360996km away, the moon ain't exactly next-door, you know. That's like Marty's DeLorean taking a trip to the future, the past, and then the future again... twice! Now, imagine that distance in terms of emotional baggage. Feels heavy, huh? Well, that's the Capricorn energy for ya! Capricorn is like the Doc Brown of the zodiac—practical, determined, and always working on some intricate plan for success. It's time to buckle up and get serious about your future, dude. Whether it's inventing a time-traveling car or simply sorting your recyclables (remember, we're hippies here), the cosmos is whispering in your ear, "Where we're going, we don't need roads... but we could probably use a solid business strategy." So, don't be a slacker! You've got the ambition of Biff Tannen but with a heart that's pure McFly. Use that lunar energy and reach for the stars... or in this case, the moon. Just remember, the power of love isn't just a curious thing, it's your secret weapon. Now, make like a tree and get out there! Remember, moon in Capricorn is all about structure and goals. So, set your coordinates, rev up your engine and let's see if you can hit 88... I mean, let's see if you can achieve those dreams! And remember, no matter where you're going, whether it's the future, the past, or just to the corner store for some organic chia seeds, it's your actions today that will make that future possible. So, get going! After all, your density...err, I mean your destiny is calling!


Mercury is in Cancer

Mercury is prograde at 13 Can 35' 57", moving at 2.16 degrees per day, and is 198648439km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Cancer

Mercury in Cancer: The Heart Has Ears

Alright, star gazers, grab your telescopes and favorite tie-dyed shirts because Mercury has taken a trip to visit the homebody of the zodiac, Cancer. What does this mean, you ask? Well, let's dive into the cosmic soup to find out.

First things first, Mercury is not taking a literal vacation (sadly, NASA hasn’t set up any beach resorts there...yet). This planet is doing the cosmic cha-cha right through Cancer’s starry living room, which is over 198 million kilometers away! And it's moving prograde, which is astrologer-speak for "forward."

Now, Mercury, our celestial chatterbox, rules over communication, while Cancer is all about feelings and comfort food. So, this planetary combo is like the universe's way of inviting us to a cosmic group therapy session. It's time to feel all the feels and talk about them too!

So, you might find yourself expressing your emotions more than usual. Don't panic if you suddenly have the urge to hug your mailman or write sonnets about your goldfish. That's just Mercury in Cancer encouraging you to share your deepest, most personal self with others. You might also feel a sudden urge to ensure everyone around you is feeling loved and cozy. It's like being a celestial Mother Hen, without the clucking.

And here’s the kicker: with Mercury in Cancer, your intuition is going to be as sharp as Spock's ears. Your gut feelings are going to come at you like an alien language that you suddenly understand. Trust these instincts and let them guide you. After all, sometimes your heart knows things your mind can't explain.

Remember, we humans often listen just to reply, but with Mercury in Cancer, we're encouraged to truly understand. So, let's embrace the quiet moments and listen to what they have to say. Because sometimes, silence speaks volumes.

So, enjoy this cosmic journey, my fellow earthlings. And remember, whether you’re talking to your houseplants or decoding your gut feelings, keep looking up!


Venus is in Leo

Venus is prograde at 22 Leo 09' 50", moving at 0.59 degrees per day, and is 72071059km away and approaching.

Venus Is In Leo

Venus Takes the Stage in Leo

Alright cosmic travelers, buckle up because Venus has sashayed into Leo and she’s not here to play games -- unless they're fun ones, of course. You see, when Venus enters Leo, it’s like she's on a one-woman mission to Broadway. There are costumes, fanfare, and oh boy, there will be drama! Think of it like a cosmic performance of "The Lion King" but instead of Simba, it's Venus belting out "Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" from the top of Pride Rock.

Now I'm not saying you should start expecting singing serenades or love letters written in skywriting (although, wouldn't that be something?). But don't be surprised if your love life starts resembling a telenovela. We're talking grand gestures, passionate declarations, and maybe even a few diva-like tantrums. Basically, subtlety is about as likely as me winning a rap battle against Eminem.

In this astrological climate, nobody just wants to be liked. No, no, we want to be adored, worshipped, put on a pedestal and fed grapes by a dedicated team of fans. Okay, maybe not the grape part, but you get the idea. The point is, under the influence of Venus in Leo, love becomes a risk-taking adventure. Those who play it safe might just find themselves watching the spectacle from the sidelines.

Now, let's talk money. With Venus in Leo, cash transforms from mere currency into a tool for lavishing love and affection. It's less about hoarding wealth and more about making it rain with generosity. Leo loves a bit of glitz and glamour, so don't feel guilty if you find yourself splurging a bit during this transit. Just remember, while treating yourself can bring joy, the real satisfaction comes from sharing your bounty with others. After all, what's the point of having a fabulous feather boa if you can't share it with your friends?

So, my celestial comrades, as Venus struts her stuff through Leo, let's take a leaf out of her book. Embrace the flamboyance, dial up the drama, and most importantly, let love take center stage. Remember, life without a little fun and excitement is like an astrology chart without planets - utterly pointless!


Mars is in Leo

Mars is prograde at 25 Leo 37' 38", moving at 0.6 degrees per day, and is 332733137km away and receding.

Mars Is In Leo

Mars in Leo: A Cosmic Roar

Alright, my celestial compadres, grab your popcorn and adjust your telescopes! Mars, that red-tinted troublemaker of the cosmos, is party crashing Leo's celestial soiree. Yep, the cosmic warrior is making a pit stop in the land of the lion. What does this mean for you, you ask? Well, buckle up, space cadets, because things are about to get a whole lot more... dramatic.

Leo is the zodiac’s bon vivant, the star of the show, the heart of the party. And Mars? He’s the celestial equivalent of a triple espresso shot. Put the two together and what do you get? A cosmic supernova of fun, fervor, and maybe a smidge of fiery drama (just to keep things interesting).

Now, when Mars struts his stuff through Leo, we're all getting an intergalactic invite to seize the day, Carpe Diem style. This isn't the time for wallflowering, people! It’s time to find what lights your rockets and blast off towards it with all the confidence of a cat on a Roomba. Be bold, be brave, and let your passion guide your cosmic journey.

But beware, stargazers, there's a thin line between confidence and overconfidence. Remember, even if you’re feeling like the king of the cosmos, you can't just waltz onto the intergalactic stage expecting a standing ovation without any rehearsal. Sure, Leo can be quite the performer, but remember, even the greatest actors need to know their lines. In other words, it's not enough to just talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk too.

And ah yes, our dear friend Drama. With Mars in Leo, it might feel like you've been cast in your very own cosmic soap opera. You might crave the limelight a tad more, feel a bit snubbed if you don’t get the attention you think you deserve. And as Leo is the sign of expression, you're not likely to stay silent. Remember, it's okay to roar, but try not to bite off more than you can chew.

So, what’s the take-home message from this Mars in Leo extravaganza? It's all about balance, my celestial chums. This transit is a prime opportunity to reflect on


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 09 Tau 40' 15", moving at 0.17 degrees per day, and is 802410321km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

"Ah, Taurus, the Bull-headed sign of the Zodiac. Now, don't take that personally! It's not a jab at your intelligence, but it might be a subtle hint at your stubbornness. In fact, you're about as stubborn as Jupiter, who is currently lounging around in your sign and has no intention of leaving anytime soon. Now, Jupiter is known as the "Santa Claus" of the solar system. Why? Because it's big, jolly, and loves to give gifts. But unlike Santa, Jupiter doesn't have a naughty or nice list, it just showers everyone with cosmic presents. The main issue here is that when Jupiter sets up camp in Taurus, it tends to overdo things a bit. And by a bit, I mean a lot. It's like having an overly enthusiastic friend who bakes you a cake every day. Initially, it’s great, but then you start gaining weight and wonder if you should file a restraining order. But let's focus on the positive side. With Jupiter in Taurus, you've got the ultimate cosmic backing to achieve your dreams. It's like having a celestial cheerleader urging you on. So, if you've been procrastinating on that novel you've always wanted to write or that trip around the world you've been dreaming of, well, now's the time to seize the day... or the month... or however long Jupiter decides to hang around. Just remember, Jupiter in Taurus doesn't mean you should go and buy a gold-plated yak because you've always wanted one. It's more about taking calculated risks and making wise decisions. Try to keep that Taurus impulsiveness in check. So, Taurus, embrace this cosmic boost and make the most of it. Just try not to eat all the cake. Remember, moderation is key. And as for you, Jupiter, try not to be too generous. We wouldn't want Taurus feeling too bullish now, would we?"


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 07 Pis 00' 48", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 1373602628km away and approaching.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Greetings, star children! Grab your lab coats and love beads because we're about to take a groovy journey through the cosmos. The Big Karmic Daddy, Saturn, has decided to park his big celestial behind in the dreamy landscape of Pisces. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Oh great, that's like inviting a math teacher to a poetry slam," but bear with me here. Saturn in Pisces is kinda like when your strict, disciplined dad suddenly decides to tag along to your yoga retreat. It's like an episode of "The X Files" meets "Bob Ross' Joy of Painting". You might be tempted to roll your eyes and say, "Dad, you're embarrassing me in front of my friends," but ol' Saturn might just surprise you with his hidden spiritual side. This planetary placement is a cosmic call to get your act together. It's time to turn those daydreams into reality. Always wanted to open a cat cafe? Start drafting that business plan. Dream of being a professional interpretative dancer? Time to practice your pirouettes. But, as with everything in life, it's not all peace signs and lava lamps. Saturn is known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, and he's not here to mess around. He's going to question your dreams, prod at your insecurities, and might even 'tidy up' when you didn't ask him to. It might feel like a violation of your cosmic personal space, but remember, he's just trying to help. With all this introspective energy, you might find yourself tossing and turning more than usual. No, you're not being haunted by a poltergeist, it's just Saturn doing his thing. Take time to meditate, walk barefoot in the grass, or even take a nap. Just remember to keep a dream journal handy, because Saturn might be dropping some wisdom bombs in your subconscious. In conclusion, Saturn in Pisces is like a cosmic episode of "Extreme Makeover: Life Edition". It's gonna be a wild ride, but remember, in the immortal words of Fox Mulder, "The truth is out there," and sometimes, it comes in the form of a stern planet in a compassionate sign.


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 21 Tau 47' 59", moving at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 3035308852km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Alright, star gazers! Buckle up and adjust your spectacles because we're in for a cosmic rollercoaster ride with Uranus in Taurus, or as I like to call it, "The Bull meets the Space Rebel". Now, Taurus, that cozy old armchair of the zodiac, likes its tea served hot, its slippers fluffy, and its life predictable. But Uranus, the celestial equivalent of that friend who turns up unannounced and rearranges your furniture, is all about throwing curve balls. Think of it this way: Taurus is a vinyl collector while Uranus has just discovered Spotify. So, what happens when these two intergalactic neighbors have a meet-cute? Well, let's just say, Taurus' status quo is about to be shaken like a snow globe in a toddler's hand. Now, Taurus knows a thing or two about money (I mean, who else has a piggy bank shaped like an actual bull?). But, Uranus, being the cosmic Steve Jobs that he is, might bring in some radical changes in the financial sector. So, don't be surprised if your local bank turns into a vegan smoothie bar, or you start paying for things with unicorn emojis. On a personal level, Uranus in Taurus is like a cosmic Marie Kondo, urging us to declutter our life from financial burdens that don't 'spark joy'. Debts, taxes, credit card interests - these are not just words that make you want to hide under the bed, but chains that Uranus is here to break. It's time to redefine our relationship with money and materialism. Maybe swap that gold necklace for a string of love beads? Remember, change is inevitable. Resisting it is like trying to hold back the tide with a sandcastle. So, go with the flow, embrace the shake-up, and you might just find yourself on the golden shores of stability. You can thank Uranus later...or now...or, you know, whenever. He's not picky.


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 27 Pis 41' 08", moving backwards at 0 degrees per day, and is 4436466567km away and approaching.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Greetings, cosmic voyagers! Buckle up, because we're about to go on a journey. Neptune, the planet equivalent of that mysterious, blue-haired hippie aunt who lives in an underwater van (I'm looking at you, Aunt Neptune), is currently chillin' in Pisces. And oh boy, it's retrograde. This isn't your run-of-the-mill Mercury retrograde where your texts get autocorrected to "duck" and "shirt". No, this retrograde is like turning your brain inside out, shaking it a little, and letting the cosmic glitter settle. Neptune in Pisces is like putting on a pair of groovy spiritual goggles. Suddenly, you're seeing through all the earthly nonsense. Traffic jams? Nah. Office politics? Pfft. You're tuned into a higher frequency now, where the only thing that matters is unity and the latest episode of Star Trek. This celestial combo is like having a universal backstage pass - it lets you see beyond the meaningless squabbles and focus on the bigger picture. Now is the time to check your cosmic toolkit. Got some unique gifts or ideas? Cool. Know how to knit dream catchers or program a quantum computer? Awesome. You've got something to contribute to the cosmic jam session. Feeling a spiritual itch? Scratch it. Take up meditation, start a yoga class, or build a mini Stonehenge in your garden. Maybe even host a weekly podcast on theoretical physics with a side of tarot reading. Neptune in Pisces is basically handing you the microphone and saying, "Hey, buddy, it's your turn to sing." So, dear star travelers, remember, Neptune may be a whopping 4436531179.312300682km away (give or take a few kilometers for traffic), but its influence is right here, right now. Embrace it, explore it, and above all, enjoy the ride. Peace out!


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde at 29 Cap 33' 57", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5061710705km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Great Scott! The planetary alignments have shifted once again, and Pluto – yes, that small icy sphere that we sometimes consider a planet, sometimes don't, but always love – is in Capricorn. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Is this going to involve a DeLorean?" Well, not this time, my dear star-gazers. However, it does involve a journey of sorts, a journey through the cosmos and the recesses of our own minds, and no flux capacitor required! Pluto, you see, is like the misunderstood genius of our solar system. It's distant, often overshadowed by larger celestial bodies, and yet it holds a power that can't be underestimated. Now, brace yourselves, because Pluto's position in Capricorn is like merging the brain of Albert Einstein with the persistence of a very determined goat. So, what does this mean for you? Well, much like a mad scientist in his lab (or garage if you're me), you're going to find yourself driven towards success and power. You'll be so focused, you might forget there are other people in your world. So, beware! Remember, my friends, even a Time Lord needs companions. Speaking of time, it's high time we let go of old habits that are holding us back. Pluto, in all its frosty wisdom, implores us to jettison those negative patterns. But remember, destroying an old invention to make way for the new can be messy business. So, grab your dustpan and brush, because you're going to need them! In the wise words of the Doc himself, "Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one." And with Pluto in Capricorn, the universe is giving you the tools you need to do just that. So, buckle up, star gazers, and get ready for this astronomical ride. After all, where we're going, we don't need roads!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun11 Can 06' 04"
Moon08 Cap 00' 52"
Mercury13 Can 35' 57"
Venus22 Leo 09' 50"
Mars25 Leo 37' 38"
Jupiter09 Tau 40' 15"
Saturn07 Pis 00' 48" R
Uranus21 Tau 47' 59"
Neptune27 Pis 41' 08" R
Pluto29 Cap 33' 57" R

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Opposite Moon

You must balance your emotions with your individuality. You may have difficulties today dealing with the opposite sex, authority figures or family members. Ego confrontations over emotional issues are likely to be the cause. Vitality may be low today, so keep stress to a minimum. Try to understand others' points of view before expressing your own. Get in touch with your true feelings. Emotional impulses may interfere with objective and good judgment.People born when the Sun opposes the Moon have an internal struggle between their needs and their wants. In contrast to the Sun-Moon conjunction personality, the Full Moon personality is inclined towards lack of focus and indecision. Their ability to be objective is both an asset and a liability, simply because when they decide on one route, they are pulled in another direction at the same time. Something tugs at them, and they begin to question their stance. “But what if…” and “on the other hand…” are statements they can’t help making and that plague them. While Sun conjunct Moon people have an Aries style about them, Sun opposition Moon natives have a distinct Libra energy about them, in that they are always aware of the opposing point of view, the other side of the coin, and so forth.Their inner struggle is most obvious in their vitality, as both the Sun and the Moon strongly influence the vitality. They have many ups and downs, and it is hard to know if it is physical or emotional. In fact, it’s likely both. These people might spend a week working hard, and the following week they lack motivation and find it hard to accomplish much. Their energy fluctuates more than most people, and it is very much a reflection of what is going on inside.The messages they received in their early lives in terms of what was expected of them were conflicting, and even opposite. Some people born under the Full Moon viewed their parents as two very different and separate individuals who each wanted something very different from their child. Their parents or parent figures “stood for” two very different things, and their child internalized this. There may have been some emotional frustration in connection with the father and a stifling of the go by the mother.It is hard for Sun opposition Moon people to find happiness within themselves. They tend to look outside of themselves for fulfillment. They are inclined to form serious relationships at an early age, simply because of this tendency to try to find an answer to happiness from an “other”. They are prone to divorce, partly because of this prematurity, and partly because their needs are complicated. Full Moon people are also more apt to seek counseling because of this need to find answers.These people appear to be very self-aware. They entertain a myriad of different points of view and perspectives. They are excellent psychologists and are able to read character and uncover motivations–but with an important caveat: if they are too emotionally close to the situation, they fumble. The truth is, although they appear to know much about how people tick, they spend a good part of their lives uncovering more of themselves and learning about themselves. Generally, this is done through comparisons or through the mirror of relationships.They can most certainly frustrate the people who are close to them with their indecisiveness and frequent changes of mind (and of heart). A word to those who deal with this on a day-to-day basis: their changes of heart are not a form of insincerity–they are the result of an internal struggle that is very real and very confusing to live with! Sun opposition Moon people can be temperamental, insecure, and very sensitive. The ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, and to consider other points of view, is a true asset. However, at some point in their lives, they need to uncover what it is they truly want. This comes easy to New Moon people, and can be a life-long struggle for Full Moon people. On the other hand, it is extremely easy for a Full Moon personality to understand others’ points of view–something that doesn’t come as easily to a New Moon personality. Sun opposition Moon people are generally interesting and complex. Born under a Full Moon, they can be a bit “loony”, perhaps manifesting itself in a unique sense of humor.Look for a planet that might trine and sextile the Sun-Moon opposition for a way to release the tension the opposition creates. Somehow, some way, through that planet, its sign, and its house position, the Sun opposition Moon person can find an “answer” to the struggle. Look also to the sign polarity involved for more details of the struggle. If it’s Aries and Libra, for example, there is a conflict between two equal drives to be independent and to depend on others.Some Famous People with Sun Opposition Moon: Lisa Bonet (the aspect is exact, or partile), Barry Bonds, Billy Ray Cyprus, Kirk Douglas, Alicia Witt.People born with a Sun-Moon tension can spend much of their lives struggling to balance the principles of the Sun and the Moon within their personalities, and will bring this struggle to some degree into their relationships. The urge to form meaningful relationships is generally powerful, but relationships can be as much of a struggle to these natives as the inner conflict is to themselves. This inner conflict occurs with the square, opposition, and quincunx. The desire to find meaningful relationships is stronger than it is when the natal Sun and Moon form a sextile or trine, and early relationships, in particular, can be challenging until the stressful aspects are recognized as an inner tension.A woman with Sun opposition Moon, who had lived through her parents’ difficult divorce as a child, complained that her husband seemed to be quite complacent about their marriage, simply expecting that it would work out without much effort. His Sun and Moon form a sextile. When faced with a relationship problem, her instinct was to work on it actively, but her husband did not see such a need. In fact, he did not “see” the problems as clearly as his wife did. He felt that she was looking for problems that didn’t exist, while she felt he was taking the relationship for granted by not addressing problems as they arose.A stressful Sun-Moon aspect seems to imprint the native with the (often unconscious) expectation that relationships can very easily fail, and the natives will be especially aware of conflicts in partnership, taking them to heart. The upside of this natal conflict is found in this sensitivity itself! Those with a Sun-Moon opposition, in particular, are generally willing to work out problems in a relationship due to their acute awareness and sensitivity to the conflicts that arise in their partnerships. However, if they face a partner who denies the problems exist in the first place, as in the example above, they can easily become frustrated. This is because learning and growing through relationships is a basic urge – so basic that it is a need. These natives are learning about themselves through their relationships, and need partners who are willing to be a part of that process. Sun square Moon suggests an internal “war” between two equally powerful desires: the desire for emotional commitment and the desire for autonomy. The native can be quite defensive and even belligerent with others, and often over-sensitive, which can take its toll in personal relationships. Partners may complain that the native often seems to be spoiling for a fight, and relationships can be turbulent until the native learns to compromise.

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mercury

You may feel like expressing yourself today through your thoughts and words. You feel a need to be heard, that you have something of importance to say. Say what is on your mind, but give equal time to others and listen to them. You might learn something new. Your thinking today should be sharp and focused.

The Sun

Sun Sextile Jupiter

Today should be a fortunate day for you. Your confidence and optimism are high. Today is a good day to put plans into action and to participate in group activities. Expand your horizons and pick up something new to learn. It's a good time to grow, to be generous and caring, and to reach out and make others happy. Ask your boss for a raise as those in authority are likely to be receptive today.Endowed with generosity and friendliness, these people appear to be lucky in life. They attract good things with a positive frame of mind and a charitable disposition. Rarely entirely “down and out”, people with Sun in harmonious aspect to Jupiter are usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. They may enjoy travel and have a special affection for foreign places and people. They’re generally not very competitive people, and for the most part not combative either. As a result, they are usually well-liked.These people are usually good-hearted with strong morals and much faith in life and in people. They prefer to find good in situations and in people. They don’t have a lot of patience with those who break the rules, as they generally believe in order, equality, and the law. They generally make good on their promises, and the sincerity they exude can be trusted. Looking on the bright side is their forte–turn to these people for a pleasing dose of faith and optimism. They are quick to chuckle and can’t resist any appeal to their sense of humor. Some people with this aspect are downright jolly. Others are less conspicuous, but their faith in life and willingness to find humor in life are nevertheless obvious.Some Famous People with Sun in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Trines – Hank Aaron, Ben Affleck, Antonio Banderas, Ashley Judd, Evel Knievel, Shari Lewis, Carol Lewis, Camilla Parker Bowles, Peter Sellers, Alicia Witt, Justin Timberlake; Sextiles – Prince Andrew (of England), Madonna, Albert Camus, Samantha Fox, Courtney Love, Elvis Presley.Alternate interpretations:Sun sextile Jupiter: Your life is apt to be blessed with more than your share of helpful friends, fortuitous connections, and doors opening to you at just the right time. Because you are usually willing to share and to give back to others in a generous way, you continue to generate successes in your life no matter how unfortunate prevailing circumstances are. Beware, however, of becoming an opportunist. — Interpretation from our Merlin Profile report.Sun sextile Jupiter: Your child is bent toward success, for he has a built-in sense of how to approach and unravel even the most difficult problems. Children born with this harmonious aspect often have a natural instinct for justice and the law, and generally know how to approach a problem from just the right angle. This ability could make your child a natural counselor or guide for others, in particular regarding vocational matters. This aspect also suggests the possibility of working with and helping older persons. Often this position indicates help received from others. Dynamic squares found elsewhere in the chart may bring out the positive sides of this position. The pitfall is too much ease, or a lack of ambition, a lack of humility, and/or expecting others to do the work. — Interpretation from the Child Star report (Boy).Sun sextile Jupiter: You find that spiritual discipline is as much a container for your being as it is the expression of your inner desire. Your perception of duty is to develop the endurance needed to weather emotional and material storms. — Interpretation from the Your Spiritual Path report.Sun sextile Jupiter: You have a sense of justice and an innate ability to understand the law, whether natural or manmade. Showing others the way through or beyond the problems in their lives comes easy, for you sense how to manipulate the opportunities of life. Lucky. — Interpretation from Zet Software.


Venus Conjunct Mars

There is a desire for love, beauty, relationships, and things that feel good. Desire is strong today and this includes the desire for the opposite sex. Be considerate of others today as you may express yourself too strongly. Use your creative energies and get involved with the arts, music or the theater. How about making a special meal for your significant other? Watch your spending today as you may feel tempted to overindulge and be too extravagant. Curb your potential for eating too much rich, sweet, or spicy food. Moderation is the key. Be refined and charming around women. Do not get involved in petty gossip or in competition with the women you know. Have fun at a social gathering, but remember, don't come on too strong or let your opinion of yourself swell so as to become overbearing and obnoxious.For people with a Venus-Mars conjunction in their natal charts, the blending of the feminine and masculine energies within is a natural process, although other aspects to the conjunction will tell the whole story as to how this is done. These people possess personal magnetism in spades. They live and breathe romantic/sexual relationships. It is generally easy for them to form relationships, unless the conjunction is severely afflicted. They ooze sexuality, and they are generally quite impulsive with regards to entering new relationships. Relationships are not only important to them, they require a fair amount of excitement, adventure, and passion in their pairings in order to feel alive and vital. With this conjunction, there is generally a pleasing blend of self-assertion and cooperation. This comprises some of their charm, in that they generally know how to assert themselves without stepping on others’ toes. In some cases, men with this aspect may be too dominating in romantic situations, and might gain a reputation for being “macho”. This is not always the case, however. For the most part, these people are quite direct about what they want in a relationship, and they are quite passionate when it comes to going about getting what they want. It can be a challenge maintaining perspective when it comes to relationships. These people are generally highly creative and are bent on finding outlets for their creativity. Their vitality and warm energy is something that can be felt by others, as if it lies just below the surface.Some Famous People with Venus conjunct Mars: Barry Bonds (in Gemini), Carmen Electra (in Gemini), Bette Davis, James Caan (in Taurus, also conjunct Uranus), Sally Field, Eva Gabor (in Pisces), Merv Griffin (in Leo), Kris Kristofferson (in Gemini), Bruce Lee (in Scorpio), Courtney Love (in Gemini), Peter O’Toole, Al Pacino (in Gemini), Stefanie Powers (in Scorpio), Sting, Uma Thurman (in Gemini), Vincent Van Gogh (in Pisces), Harry Hamlin (in Virgo), Sandra Bullock (in Gemini, conjunct the Ascendant).


Venus Square Uranus

Unstable romantic infatuations and impractical or irresponsible attitudes and conduct in relationships should be guarded against. There is a desire to break free from binding partnerships. Impulsive spending may be your idea of breaking free. Be careful during this transit because you are probably not thinking with your head, only your heart, which is your wild side right now. Your behavior now may be so bohemian or bizarre that people turn against you. Settle down and apply self-discipline.The need for stimulation and the need to break the rules with regards to love and romance is apparent when Venus squares or opposes Uranus in the natal chart. These people can confuse their partners readily with their on-again off-again energy when it comes to matters of the heart. With the opposition, this is especially pronounced–when they are given too much space, they feel unloved, yet when they get the love they seem to crave, they can feel smothered by it. They can alienate partners by adopting an “I don’t care what you do” stance when they feel threatened. The truth is, they do fear rejection like anyone else, but they don’t always want to admit it, and they can turn quite cold when they suspect their partner doesn’t care. The energy of Venus-Uranus in hard aspect is embodied in the expression, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”. When close to a loved one, they can eventually feel smothered or antsy if the relationship becomes too predictable. They can also detach themselves from living in the moment and enjoying the love they have. When apart, they feel more free to love. This aspect is common in the charts of people who maintain long-distance or otherwise erratic relationships. There can be abrupt beginnings and endings in relationships. They are not very “good” at endings–they can appear quite insensitive, aloof, and brusque. The “let’s be friends” attitude might hurt a partner who felt there was much more to the relationship. These people have a disdain for conventional, traditional, or otherwise “normal” relationships. They need to learn to balance their need for closeness and their need for freedom. They truly detest social pretenses, and insist on being sincere. Being well-liked takes second place to sincerity. There is a strong attraction to all that is different, and all that “shouldn’t” be done in love and in sex. Taste in clothing and art is unusual, original, and unique.There is a tendency to react spontaneously and intensely to others, and there is marked emotional impulsiveness with these aspects. Their most successful relationships are unconventional ones. Whether they do so publicly or privately, they delight in defying convention. They tend to move on and outgrow friendships. Some possess considerable romantic charm and humor, and they can pretty much charm the birds out of the trees when they choose to do so! Their love feelings are easily aroused and their romantic relationships begin with suddenness. There is a marked inner craving for emotional excitement and a need to feel spontaneous and free.Alternate interpretations:Venus square Uranus or Venus opposition Uranus: *Your love feelings are easily aroused and your romantic relationships begin with a sudden electric attraction, but they often end abruptly, and you may be in and out of love frequently – especially in your younger years. You crave emotional excitement and need to feel spontaneous and free, so you may avoid making firm personal commitments. Unusual or nontraditional forms of love and relationships appeal to you, and you are attracted to unique, creative, or unstable people.#You tend to fall in love instantly, and you need to discriminate between passing sexual fancy and something that can last “forever.” As your intuition develops, you will be able to identify the difference more clearly. When you “fall,” that is a good time to marshal all your respect for yourself and your partner, and to take things one day at a time until you have forged a deep connection. From Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with the Venus in Hard Aspect to Uranus: Squares – Angelina Jolie, Diana Princess of Wales, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Corbin Bernsen, Naomi Campbell, Chevy Chase, Alice Cooper, Juliette Lewis, Anais Nin, Jean Piaget, Elvis Presley, Valerie Harper, Kirk Douglas, Johnny Depp, Barbara De Angelis, Kim Hunter, Tony Curtis, Carson Daly; Oppositions – Getrude Stein, Dionne Warwick, Sharon Stone, Carl Sandburg, Bonnie Raitt, Robert Pattinson, Deborah Kerr, Jack London, Jesse Jackson, Sean Connery, Ian Fleming, Ellen DeGeneres.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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