By The Chip Witch on Sunday, 12 November 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 12 November, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

12 November, 2023

Solar activity reached moderate levels when Region 3477 (S15W67, Cao/beta) produced an M1.2/Sf flare at 11/1729 UTC; the largest event of the period. In addition to the M-flare, the frequency and intensity of C-class flare activity increased throughout the period. Region 3483 (N09W52, Dai/beta-gamma) grew in area and developed additional intermediate spots. Minor development was observed in Regions 3484 (S14W49, Bxi/beta) and 3485 (S19W39, Bxo/beta). Regions 3480 (S19, L=207) and 3482 (N04, L=180) decayed to plage. No Earth-directed CMEs were detected this period.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is high, making retrograde effects significantly increased!

The solar wind environment remained weakly enhanced under waning negative polarity CH HSS influences. Solar wind speeds decreased from a peak of around 560 km/s to end-of-period values of around 450 km/s. Total field strength was steady at 2 nT and Bz varied +/-2 nT.

There is a 15% chance of solar activity, with a 25% chance of a minor event, a 35% chance of a moderate event, and a 25% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Scorpio, at 06 degrees, 09' 52", at a velocity of 12.73 degrees per day.

The New moon is currently 28.4 days old. It is 393306.4 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov, 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Scorpio

The Sun is at 19 Sco 35' 40", and is 148098935km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Scorpio

The Moon is at 06 Sco 09' 52", and is 390952km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Scorpio

Greetings, stardust beings! Well, sit tight and grab your telescopes, because guess what? Our mysterious lady of the night, the Moon, has decided to waltz into the intense realm of Scorpio. Now, before you start sweating like a nerd at a comic con, hear me out. Scorpio, my friends, is the cosmic bad boy of the zodiac. It's the leather-jacket-wearing, motorcycle-riding, does-its-own-thing kind of energy. So, when our Moon, usually as tranquil as the Dalai Lama doing yoga on a Sunday morning, enters this edgy sign, well... let's just say things might get a bit spicy. You thought the distance between Earth and Moon right now is 391165.969779184km? Well, let me tell you, emotionally, it could feel like a whole lot more! And oh boy, don't we love those emotional road trips! Now, I don’t want to scare you off, but when the Moon is in Scorpio, it's akin to playing Dungeons and Dragons with a die that only rolls 20s. You're going to have some critical hits, folks. You'll be delving deep into your emotional caverns, unearthing treasures of self-awareness and possibly stumbling across a few emotional goblins you forgot to slay. So, take a deep breath, put on your space suit, and strap in for a celestial roller coaster ride. Remember, in the grand cosmic dance, even when the Moon is doing the tango with Scorpio, it's all part of the rhythm of the universe. So, tune in, stay mindful, and for goodness' sake, don't forget to laugh! It’s a wild universe out there, but hey, that’s what makes it so groovy!


Mercury is in Sagittarius

Mercury is prograde at 03 Sag 00' 29", moving at 1.5 degrees per day, and is 203902146km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Sagittarius

Mercury in Sagittarius: A Galactic Bulletin

Whoa there, Star Wars fans! I hope you've got your space boots on because Mercury has just parked its cosmic caboose in Sagittarius. That's right, folks, our swift-footed messenger planet is hanging out with the zodiac's fun-loving centaur. Imagine if R2-D2 decided to have a party with Chewbacca - beep boops and Wookiee roars galore! Now, Mercury specializes in dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's, while Sagittarius... well, let's just say he'd rather paint with broad strokes. So what happens when you put these two together? You end up with a vision for the future that's as meticulously detailed as the schematics for the Death Star, but still as expansive as the galaxy itself. Mercury in Sagittarius is like Leia speaking to the Rebel Alliance - passionate, confident, and brimming with excitement. But remember, even Princess Leia had to be careful with her words to avoid sparking an intergalactic incident. The same goes for us during this transit: think before you speak, or your words might go off like a thermal detonator. Sagittarius is the Archer, the explorer of the zodiac, so while Mercury is visiting, we all get to be honorary members of the Rebel Alliance scouting out new frontiers. It's time to break out of the Death Star of your comfort zone and hyperdrive into unknown territories. Maybe it's time to plan a trip to Tatooine, learn to speak Wookiee, or start a new job as a Jedi Knight. Remember, the force is with you, always... especially while Mercury is in Sagittarius. Now, go forth my Padawans, explore, dream, and keep your lightsaber of wisdom ignited. May the horoscope be with you!


Venus is in Libra

Venus is prograde at 04 Lib 14' 35", moving at 1.11 degrees per day, and is 125476728km away and receding.

Venus Is In Libra

Venus Is In Libra, Folks: A Cosmic Comedy

Alright, stargazers, dust off your telescopes and put on your most charming smile, because guess what? Venus just swiped right on Libra! Yes, that's right, our very own celestial matchmaker has decided to play cupid in the sign of balance and beauty. So, buckle up, it's going to be a ride smoother than a Star Trek convention running out of Romulan Ale.

Now, don't freak out, but Venus in Libra is like a cosmic rom-com. Relationships become less of a Game of Thrones power struggle and more of a Friends sitcom. We're talking less drama, more charm, and an overwhelming urge to sweep issues under the interstellar rug. If you've been arguing more than Spock and Bones lately, here's your chance to hit the pause button and bask in some sweet, sweet harmony.

And let me be as clear as a Vulcan mind meld here: love under Venus in Libra is not a 50/50 proposition. Nope. It's more of a 100/100 kind of deal. Any imbalances in your relationship will stick out like a Wookiee at a Stormtrooper convention. But fear not, my fellow star-crossed lovers, this transit also comes with an extra-large helping of grace and cooperation to help even out those cosmic scales.

And let's not forget, both Venus and Libra are quite the connoisseurs of beauty and style. You might find yourself wanting to update your look, or maybe redecorate your space station... I mean, living room. Go with it! Feel the force of aesthetic pleasure flowing through you, and embrace the confidence that comes with it.

So, in a nutshell, Venus in Libra is the perfect time to love with your whole heart, live lightly, and strive for peace. It's like a cosmic reboot for your personal relationships. So, go out there and make the most of this beautiful transit, and remember: In space, no one can hear you argue!


Mars is in Scorpio

Mars is prograde at 21 Sco 24' 22", moving at 0.7 degrees per day, and is 379114073km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Scorpio

Alright stargazers, gather 'round and let's chat about our buddy Mars parking its extraterrestrial keister in Scorpio. Now, this might sound like a recipe for a cosmic disaster - I mean, imagine a feisty red planet attempting to play nice in the domicile of the ever-so-intense Scorpion. But fear not, it's not all doom and gloom, in fact, it comes bearing gifts. First off, Mars in Scorpio turns us all into cosmic superheroes, with backbones stronger than that of a comic book character. No one can tell us what to do and we're about as willing to compromise as a tribble facing a Klingon. Now, if anyone attempts to control us...well, they might as well try to teach a Dalek about compassion. Our sheer determination to change something, anything, in our lives will be comparable to the gravitational pull of a black hole. And Mars in Scorpio is about as fearless as an adventurer exploring the dark side of the moon. It encourages us to turn the lens inward, to dive deep into our psychological Mariana Trenches, paving the way for the kind of transformation that would make Optimus Prime envious. Here's the flip side though. With Mars lounging in Scorpio, we might be a touch more aggressive than usual. Think Hulk meets Godzilla, only with less destruction of urban property. Our unchecked anger can lead to prolonged skirmishes that could potentially turn our relationships into something resembling the ruins of the Death Star. The trick is in choosing which metaphorical walls to Hulk-smash. This energy can be channeled into constructive projects to help us redirect our passion and intensity in a more positive, less city-destroying manner. Navigating through Mars in Scorpio may feel like you've signed up for spiritual boot camp, except no one's yelling at you at 5 am to do push-ups. It provides an opportunity to develop our personal power, to rise above the shadows, power struggles, revenge, bitterness, and unforgiveness. But remember, with great power comes great...well, you know the rest. So, strap on your cosmic helmet and let's conquer this Mars in Scorpio together!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 09 Tau 17' 26", moving backwards at 0.13 degrees per day, and is 598260335km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus: An Astrological Comedy

Well, folks, dust off your space cowboy boots because Jupiter has just moseyed into the pasture of Taurus. And let me tell you, this is like pairing a rocket scientist with a bull in a china shop. It's going to be a wild ride! Now, we all know Jupiter is the smarty pants of the solar system. It's like that nerdy kid in school who aced every test without even trying. Jupiter's got wisdom and insight coming out its gas giant ears. And it's currently 598,241,960.498216867km away... but who's counting? On the other hand, Taurus is about as subtle as a sledgehammer. This sturdy earth sign isn't known for its speed (it's more the 'Netflix and chill' type), but it sure knows how to keep its feet on the ground. When these two forces collide, it's like an epic cosmic brainwave meets a stubborn old mule. You might find yourself pondering the mysteries of the universe one minute and craving a double cheeseburger the next. This celestial combo is a call to slow down, take a breath, and tap into that inner wisdom that's been chilling in the backseat while you've been busy Instagramming your lunch. Taurus will encourage you to make a practical to-do list (step one: buy more cheeseburgers), while Jupiter will urge you to dream big. And here's where it gets interesting. Jupiter is also the planet of good luck and fortune, while Taurus is the sign of wealth and money. So, if you play your cards right, you might just find a winning lottery ticket in your pocket, or at least enough loose change for another cheeseburger. But be warned, dear star gazers. Taurus loves the finer things in life and has a tendency to overindulge. So, while Jupiter is in Taurus, you might want to keep an eye on your impulse buys—unless it's cheeseburgers, of course. We all know you can never have too many of those. So buckle up, buttercups. This Jupiter in Taurus transit is about to take us on a cosmic journey of growth, patience, prosperity, and perhaps a few extra pounds. But hey, that's a small price to pay for enlightenment... and cheeseburgers.


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 00 Pis 34' 07", moving at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 1423423098km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Astrological Alert: Saturn in Pisces or "Who Moved My Cheese... To Another Galaxy?"

Buckle up, stargazers! Saturn, the celestial taskmaster, has decided to take a leisurely swim in the dreamy waters of Pisces. It's like the universe's version of a strict principal going undercover in a school for daydreamers. Can you imagine it? Saturn, with its impressive rings, trying to squeeze into a pair of water wings? Now that's a sight!

Here's the lowdown: Saturn is about 1.42 billion kilometers away, give or take a few million, and it's moving prograde - that's "forward" for us non-astronomy nerds. So what does this mean for you? Well, brace yourself for a cosmic coaching session that would make even the most experienced life coach blush.

Saturn in Pisces is a time to turn your inner eye towards those dreams you've been nurturing. Always wanted to write a novel about alien invasion of an earthbound donut shop? Or maybe you've been daydreaming about opening a business that combines yoga and wine tasting? Now's the time to make a plan, crunch some numbers, and possibly start researching how to get a loan from a bank without breaking into a cold sweat.

But be warned, Saturn in Pisces isn't all rainbows and unicorns. It's more like being questioned by a stern parent about why you haven't cleaned your room... in a decade. It can feel intrusive, especially when it comes to those dreams closest to our hearts. But remember, Saturn, like that parent, only wants the best for you. So, keep an open mind and maybe even a dream journal handy!

Now, as Saturn digs around in Piscean territory, you may be hit with a bit of insomnia. After all, it's hard to sleep when the universe is metaphorically rearranging your subconscious furniture. So, remember to breathe, take long walks in the woods, meditate or even nap (but keep that dream journal ready!). And maybe, just maybe, go to bed a little early to give your mind time to slow down and rest.

So, in conclusion, as Saturn takes its cosmic dip in Pisces, remember to channel your inner hippie, embrace the chaos, and above all, don't forget to laugh... especially when you imagine Saturn trying to squeeze


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 21 Tau 07' 23", moving backwards at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 2787265886km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Greetings, stargazers and earthlings! Put on your space helmets, because we're about to have some otherworldly fun with Uranus! Yes, you heard it right - Uranus is in Taurus, my friends, and oh boy, the Bull is going to do some cosmic dancing with the celestial rebel. Picture this: Taurus, the cosmic couch potato, snuggled up in its favorite comfy blanket, munching on astral popcorn, suddenly has a visitor. And it's none other than Uranus, the astrological equivalent of that friend who randomly drops by at 2 am with a grand plan for a road trip to Vegas. Taurus, darling, I hate to break it to you, but Uranus isn't here for a Netflix binge. It's time to get off the couch and shake that cosmic derriere, because change is knocking on your door, and it's not taking "no" for an answer. I know, I know, you love your comfort zone, but remember those old PJs you've been wearing since last Christmas? Yeah, they need to go. Now, let's talk about money, because Taurus and moolah are like peanut butter and jelly. But with Uranus in the house, we're looking at the advent of cosmic Bitcoin, interstellar Venmo, and who knows, maybe even Martian credit cards. Banks might turn into black holes, stock markets could dance the cha-cha, and your piggy bank might just grow wings and fly off. Exciting times, eh? On a personal level, Uranus wants us to play Monopoly with our finances. Debt, taxes, and mortgages are about to become as relevant as a floppy disk in the era of cloud storage. We're going to need to reassess our relationship with material possessions, because let's face it, you can't take your Star Wars figurines with you on the spaceship to Mars (or can you?). So buckle up, star children, because Uranus is here to shake things up. Resistance is as futile as a chocolate teapot. But hey, don't worry! The cosmic roller coaster might be scary, but once it's over, you'll find yourself in a much better space theme park. And remember, in the immortal words of Captain John Sheridan from Babylon 5, "The future isn't what it used to be." Enjoy the ride!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 25 Pis 03' 07", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 4386225539km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune In Pisces: The Galactic Edition

Ah, Neptune in Pisces, my dear earthlings, a cosmic dance that's more harmonious than an Ewok jamboree! It's like the Star Wars saga meets a hippie love-in, only with less lightsabers and more tie-dye. Imagine, if you will, the Death Star is Neptune, and Pisces is TIE fighter. The Death Star might be a whopping 4386169570.732894897km away (I've checked, no need for your calculator app), but it's got its tractor beam locked onto our little Piscean TIE fighter. And during this retrograde, the Death Star might be spinning backwards, but don't worry, it's not about to blow Alderaan... I hope. Neptune in Pisces provides us with Jedi-like insight. It's as if Obi-Wan himself has gently reminded us, "The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded." Suddenly, we see the futility of arguing over who shot first, Han or Greedo (it was Han, by the way). Instead, we realize the value of unity, of coming together like a well-oiled droid factory. So, what can you contribute to our collective journey towards Tatooine, or, err, healing? Maybe you're a whizz at making Wookiee cookies, or perhaps you've figured out how to finally get that hyperdrive working. Whatever your unique Jedi power, now's the time to use it. Neptune in Pisces is your holographic invitation from Princess Leia to tap into your emotional intelligence and make a difference. Whether that's pursuing the Jedi path, creating a sacred space in your Millennium Falcon, or simply sharing your wisdom with your fellow rebels, remember - the Force is with you. Just don't let any Sith Lords near your astrological chart, okay?


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 28 Cap 08' 34", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5271634061km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Greetings, celestial enthusiasts and star-crossed wanderers! Pluto, our favorite demoted dwarf planet, has packed up its metaphorical suitcase and hitched a ride to Capricorn. Now, some of you might be thinking, "Isn't Capricorn that goat-fish thingy?" Yes, my dear star gazers, you're right on the money! We've got Pluto, the cosmic bad boy, chilling in Capricorn, a stern earth sign. It's like inviting a punk rocker to a tea party with the Queen, quite an unlikely duo! But here's the kicker - these two, like peanut butter and jelly, operate surprisingly well together. They're both laser-focused on success and power, like a high-functioning pair of workaholics. However, during this cosmic road trip, we might find our empathy for others taking a backseat. Why? Well, Pluto and Capricorn do not suffer fools gladly. They're result-oriented, impatient, and have little time for dilly-dallying. Watch out for a tendency to dismiss other people's ideas faster than you can say "Pluto was robbed of its planet status"! Pluto, in its typical rebellious fashion, wants us to ditch our negative patterns that are as useful as a chocolate teapot. This may involve some destruction (no, not the Death Star kind). But remember, my friends, just as a phoenix rises from the ashes, so too can we rise from the remnants of our old selves. Be deliberate and conscious in what you destroy to create something better. So buckle up, fellow cosmic travelers, and remember to keep your sense of humor intact. After all, if a small icy rock billions of kilometers away can shake things up, so can you!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun19 Sco 35' 40"
Moon06 Sco 09' 52"
Mercury03 Sag 00' 29"
Venus04 Lib 14' 35"
Mars21 Sco 24' 22"
Jupiter09 Tau 17' 26" R
Saturn00 Pis 34' 07"
Uranus21 Tau 07' 23" R
Neptune25 Pis 03' 07" R
Pluto28 Cap 08' 34"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mars

You should have lots of energy and vitality today. Go out and get some exercise. Be careful not to get into arguments with your superiors or with people in authority, like policemen. Avoid confrontations that involve your ego. Instead, channel the energy and potential hostility into something creative like your favorite hobby. The important thing is to express yourself in a constructive manner. How about playing in the park with a group of children? Do not overexert yourself or put too much strain on your heart. This means controlling your temper. Anger is one of the hardest things on your heart. Don't lay out in the sun too long. You may burn easier today than normal. Watch yourself around the stove or anything hot. Focus on being humble. Put your ego in the backseat.

The Sun

Sun Opposite Uranus

Surprises may be in store for you today. These surprises may be disruptive and, if so, they are designed to help you grow. Look upon them as challenges and learning experiences. Problems today could come because of your eccentric behavior. Avoid bohemian tendencies and doing things just to be different. People are likely to take offense at your uniqueness. Don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Be alert today as impulsiveness may lead to accidents.The ego is quite large when the Sun is square or opposite Uranus. This is largely due to the fact that these people’s very identities ride on their sense of personal freedom. It can be quite a challenge to get them to do what they don’t want to do, simply because they see any attempts to push them in a certain direction as threatening their freedom. These are very dynamic individuals who question tradition and authority, yet, paradoxically, are quite set in their own ways.These people have a love-hate relationship with their own uniqueness. Much of the time they are very proud of their original personalities. Other times, they feel a bit left out for being “different”. Although they are humanitarian in many ways, they can be a little brusque when it comes to sentimentality or what they perceive to be excessive attachment to the past or to tradition.When the Sun and Uranus form a challenging aspect, there can be a lot of nervous energy and defensiveness. It can be difficult to hold a 9 to 5 job or to develop steady routines. They work best when they can manage their own schedules. They work in spurts. When they are hit with creative inspiration, they are capable of tremendous effort. However, they can be quite temperamental, and it is very hard for them to pour their hearts and souls into something that they don’t “feel” for at the moment. They don’t like superficiality or pretense, which is an admirable trait. However, their disdain for pretense can be problematic in a world where people are expected to perform whether they are inspired or not! I have a daughter who has the Sun in challenging aspect to Uranus, and there was quite an adjustment period when she entered first grade–a time when kids begin to truly experience structure. When the children in her gym class were told to dance, she simply stood there, immobile. When asked why she was not dancing, she replied, “But I don’t feel the dance inside of me, so how can I dance?” Sun-Uranus people don’t always feel like they “fit in” with the rules and structures of society. However, those that recognize the need to conform at least some of the time may be able to channel their high levels of intuition, inventiveness, and spiritedness into creative endeavors or important causes. They might find that they encounter much less resistance in day-to-day life this way.Some Famous People with Sun in Hard Aspect to Uranus: Squares – Alan Alda, Billy Crystal, Stephen King, O. Henry (writer), Wynonna Judd (Sun square Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto), John Ritter, Dennis Rodman, Oliver Stone, George Washington, Bono (U2), Dustin Hoffman; Oppositions – Kevin Costner, Lauren Bacall, Ray Bradbury, Frank Capra, Billy Corgan, the Olsen twins, Geena Davis.


Mercury Sextile Venus

The pursuit of light pleasure gives happiness today. Spend time with friends in harmonious conversation. Go see a museum or go to an art gallery. Activities involving music are favored. Artistic stimulation of the mind is the keynote today.You are polite, choosing your words with care and love so as not to offend anyone. Your tactfulness stems from a distaste for disharmony and conflict. You are not always direct and honest as a result of this desire to please, appease, and keep the peace. You are able to understand others and make a great conversationalist. You aim for fairness in your dealings with others. You have a true appreciation for the arts, and strive to achieve balance and harmony in your social relationships, your writing and speech, and your personal environment. You might do business in the areas of art, design, relationships, counseling, or beauty.Some Famous People with Mercury Sextile Venus: Walt Disney, Sylvia Plath, George Sand, Alison Moyet, Peter O’Toole, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Jerry Lewis.


Mercury Square Saturn

Your thinking may be concentrated, obstructed, morose or limited today. Saturn has a way of throwing cold water and constraints on things. Depression is possible, but it will pass, so try to stay optimistic. There may be delays in mail or letters or phone calls. A negative mental outlook along with an unwillingness to accept the ideas of others is characteristic of this aspect. Don't be worried over a lack of inspiration. It won't last long. People will challenge your ideas.Saturn connected to a personal planet in hard aspect has a censoring effect on the planet involved. With Mercury in hard aspect to Saturn, whatever the person says and writes is self-censored to some degree. It’s hard for these people to pour out their emotions, no matter how emotional or needy they feel on the inside. This is because they are always aware of what others might think of them with what they say. They are not necessarily deliberate talkers or thinkers. In other words, they don’t always pick and choose their words carefully or speak slowly. However, they are careful with what they reveal to others. They make plenty of disclaimers, and often come across as negative or sarcastic without intending to. These are people who review conversations they’ve had with others, and who often kick themselves for saying something they didn’t intend to, or for not saying something witty. Saturn tends to have a hobbling effect, and when it’s attached to the planet of communication in hard aspect, there can be some feelings of insecurity about how we speak and communicate in general. These people tend to worry about what they’ve said and how they could have said it better. Some older astrology texts suggest that there can be learning disorders or “slowness” with this aspect, but this is rarely the case. In fact, many people with this aspect are very strong academically. The flow of their communication is blocked in some manner, however, and this is due to an automatic “self-censoring” tendency. Self-consciousness and hypersensitivity is experienced with regards to their intelligence and ability to get ideas across to others, especially in youth. These people need plenty of positive feedback from others in order to feel more confident and less “blocked”.If you have this aspect in your chart, recognize that you are most likely harder on yourself about how you communicate than others are. Ask people close to you for an objective point of view. Chances are, they find you to be astute, intelligent, and an effective speaker or writer. We often tell our kids “don’t worry about what others think”, but telling this to a person with a hard Saturn aspects is not enough, nor is it realistic. They will worry. Instead, I have found that the best way to handle difficult Saturn aspects is to get objective feedback from others! Mercury-Saturn people don’t accept compliments whole-heartedly, yet they crave them and need them. Others around them tend to stop complimenting them, feeling that they either don’t need compliments or don’t want to hear them. Nothing can be further than the truth!Mercury opposition Saturn Your intellectual capabilities are well developed, and you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. You are likely to possess academic “smarts” and writing ability. In some ways you are a loner. This is likely because your greatest feelings of security arise from a job well done. Be sure to exercise caution in entering into contracts. Don’t overlook the important details that can boomerang against you later. It may be best to hire an attorney or other advisor to help you with these tasks. You might find that you are the victim of “red tape”, mix-ups, and communication problems more than most.You sometimes come across as more stern or harsh than you actually are! There is likely to be a negative or sarcastic style to your speech that you may not always be aware of, but that others pick up quickly. You will find that others often misunderstand your intentions rather easily, or that you misrepresent yourself unwittingly. You often kick yourself for saying (or, more often, not saying) something after a conversation is over. — Interpretation from our LoveStyles Report.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Saturn: Squares – Sheena Easton, Kevin Kline; Oppositions – Steven Seagal, Kurt Russell, Tiger Woods, Robert Redford, Patrick Duffy.


Mars Opposite Uranus

You may feel like rebelling against the people you are around today. There is a certain rashness with you and you may feel tempted to let loose in any kind of manner. This impulsiveness, this rashness may lead to accidents and hurt relationships. You need your freedom and others probably need theirs. So hang loose and give people some space. Change at any cost may be what you're feeling today, but carefully consider the costs before you leap into action. The costs may be too high. Look before you leap is the keyword of the day. You are not likely to put up with any restraints today, real or imagined. This might lead you into trouble. Be careful around machinery. Realize all this if someone blows up at you completely out of the blue. Resist the urge to give in to your anger and throw a hissy fit.You prefer to stand out in a crowd than to follow. Watch for a tendency to be stubborn or dogmatic, which can impede your progress in life and cause unnecessary delays or obstacles. You can be very temperamental, but you tend to get over things quickly. You might often be hasty, impatient, and impulsive.Alternate, short interpretations: Mars square Uranus or Mars opposition Uranus: *Intensely restless, dynamic, and energetic, you are always on the go. When you want something, you want it NOW, and you act decisively, impulsively, sometimes hastily and prematurely. Impatient, high-strung, and often nervous and tense, you find it difficult to slow down, pace yourself, or relax. You are fiercely individualistic and independent, self-willed and intolerant of restraints and restrictions imposed by others. You have a reckless disregard for authority and can be extremely rebellious. Cooperating with others is not your strong point! You are often brutally frank and abrupt with people, and can be quite impersonal when you are pursuing a desired goal. You may have an explosive temper when your will is blocked. You have a superabundance of energy and need much personal freedom to do things in your own style and at your own pace.#Your life is peppered with dangerous intersections where you may be physically injured. These very events, however, form the substance of your spiritual path. It takes courage to follow this independent path, and effort to maintain strong relationships as you do so. Intuition can be a great asset.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Uranus: Squares – Alexander Graham Bell, Catherine Zeta Jones, Patrick Duffy, Johannes Kepler, Madonna, Sissy Spacek Oppositions – Roman Polanski, Regis Philbin, Tyra Banks, Chris Brown, Jackie Gleason, Monica Lewinsky, Arnold Palmer.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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