By The Chip Witch on Thursday, 07 December 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 7 December, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

7 December, 2023

Solar activity remained at moderate levels as Region 3513 (N19E53, Dao/beta) produced an M2.1/2n flare at 06/0541 UTC and an M2.3 flare at 06/2144 UTC. This region was also responsible for a C9.6/Sn flare at 06/0817 UTC, along with several additional C-class flares. Region 3507 (N08W25, Cso/Beta) further increased the number of spots around its periphery, but remained inactive. Region 3510 (S15W20, Dai/beta) exhibited growth in its intermediate spots, while Region 3511 (S22W19, Dao/beta-gamma) remained the most magnetically complex region on the disk. Both regions were mostly inactive. Region 3514 (N09E65, Dao/Beta) was numbered this period, but did not appear to show much activity.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is high, making retrograde effects significantly increased!

Solar wind speed gradually decreased from over 625 km/s to end the period near 550 km/s as negative CH HSS influence began to subside. Total field strength was steady near 4 nT, Bz fluctuated between +/- 4 nT, and Phi angle remained in a predominately negative orientation.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 10% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Libra, at 06 degrees, 52' 20", at a velocity of 12.04 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 23.9 days old. It is 402347.55 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 23:32:07, 12 Dec, 2023. The next full moon is at 0:33:43, 27 Dec, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Sagittarius

The Sun is at 14 Sag 51' 50", and is 147395204km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Libra

The Moon is at 06 Lib 52' 20", and is 400329km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Libra

Alright, stargazers! Brace yourselves because the Moon just slipped on its diplomatic slippers and is gracefully pirouetting in the constellation of Libra. That's right, our lovely lunar orb is roughly 400,497.450455514km away, give or take a few microns. I triple-checked my math so you can count on it! Being a hip astrologer, I reckon I should tell you what that means in language we all understand. Picture this: The Moon is like a cosmic hippie, floating around in the celestial equivalent of a tie-dye t-shirt and peace-sign necklace. Now it's in Libra, the universe's diplomat. So, basically, our lunar friend is at an intergalactic peace rally, spreading love, balance, and the desire to listen to both sides of the latest Star Trek vs. Star Wars debate. In moon-in-Libra terms, you'll find yourself craving harmony like a vegan at a salad bar. You'll want to balance everything from your checkbook to your chakra energies, which could be quite a feat considering Mercury isn't even in retrograde! But remember, Libra is represented by scales for a reason. It urges us to find balance. So, while you're busy trying to make your life as symmetric as a snowflake under a microscope, don't forget to have some fun, too. After all, all work and no play make us dull earthlings. So, whether you're negotiating peace treaties between your houseplants, or trying to figure out if Han really shot first, remember to keep things balanced. And if you still can't decide whether to binge-watch Farscape or Firefly tonight, remember, the Moon in Libra suggests a harmonious solution - watch both! And, if you need me, I'll be over here, polishing my telescope lens, ready to update you on the next big cosmic shakeup. Peace out!


Mercury is in Capricorn

Mercury is prograde at 05 Cap 46' 57", moving at 0.81 degrees per day, and is 142279962km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Capricorn

Oh, fellow earthlings and cosmic voyagers! Let's roll up our sleeves, put on our space helmets, and buckle up because the cosmic CEO - Mercury is clocking in for a spell in the boardroom of Capricorn. Now, you're probably thinking, "That's 142,462,740.676325500km away!"- because yeah, you're nerdy like that. But don't worry, distance doesn't matter in the cosmos, it's all about the vibes! Mercury in Capricorn is like that super-organized friend who color-codes their sock drawer and has an Excel spreadsheet for everything (you know who you are!). It's all about setting goals, creating plans, and moving forward with a purpose. Kind of like a cosmic Marie Kondo, tidying up your cluttered thoughts and helping you focus on what really sparks joy... or at least what gets you closer to your goals. Now, let's talk about building ideas. You see, under this influence, our minds become like an intergalactic IKEA. We've got all these flat-packed thoughts and ideas, and suddenly we can see how they all fit together. And no, you won't need an Allen wrench or a degree in Swedish engineering to make it work. But hold up, cosmic comrades. While we're being all straightforward and efficient, remember not to go full Darth Vader on everyone. Capricorn might be bossy pants of the zodiac, but that doesn't mean we get to Force-choke anyone who doesn't agree with our fabulous ideas. Remember, even in the cosmos, teamwork makes the dream work. So, as we navigate this transit, let's channel our inner Spock: logical, goal-oriented, but still respectful of our fellow crew members. After all, life's too short for interstellar office politics, right? May the force, or rather, Mercury in Capricorn, be with you!


Venus is in Scorpio

Venus is prograde at 02 Sco 55' 11", moving at 1.18 degrees per day, and is 152337069km away and receding.

Venus Is In Scorpio

Venus In Scorpio: A Cosmic Soap Opera

Alright, stargazers and cosmic voyagers, buckle up! Our resident drama queen, Venus, has just sidled into Scorpio's territory. Now, Venus is all about that sweet, sweet love and harmony, right? She's like the galaxy's favorite auntie who brings cookies and gives you hugs. But when she hits Scorpio... oh boy, it's like Auntie Venus suddenly turned into a Gothic novelist.

This isn't your everyday rom-com, folks. It's more like a deep-sea exploration of passion and intensity. It's not about speed dating or Tinder swipes. No, it's about finding someone who gets you, all the way down to your quantum particles. Love during Venus in Scorpio is like a black hole - so intense, it might just bend the fabric of space-time itself!

But wait, there's more! This cosmic telenovela isn't just about love; it's also about those pesky shadows in our relationships. You know, those niggling doubts and concerns we usually sweep under the rug? Well, they're about to get a spotlight. No more ignoring them, folks. It's like the universe's own version of relationship therapy.

And let's not forget about the money matters. Venus in Scorpio is like that annoying friend who always brings up the check split at dinner. Whether it's shared expenses, investments, loans, or insurance, everything's up for scrutiny. It's like a cosmic audit but with more soap opera drama and less paperwork.

Yeah, Venus in Scorpio can feel like a cosmic rollercoaster ride. But hey, it's not all doom and gloom. If you're willing to face the music, jump into this emotional vortex, and ride the turbulence, you might just end up with a bond stronger than a neutron star. So grab your popcorn, folks, because Venus in Scorpio is going to be one heck of a show!


Mars is in Sagittarius

Mars is prograde at 09 Sag 12' 06", moving at 0.72 degrees per day, and is 372508760km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Sagittarius

Alright, buckle up folks because Marty McFly here and I've got some serious cosmic news for you. Mars, our red neighbor, is currently doing the tango with Sagittarius, the optimistic archer of the zodiac. Now, don't get your flux capacitors in a knot, but this planetary dance is 372523315.768145323km away. Yes, I know that's heavy, but don't worry, no DeLorean is required to feel the impact! When Mars, the cosmic action hero, blazes through Sagittarius, we all get a whiff of the archer's 'can-do' attitude. Suddenly, the world's not just your oyster, it's your whole seafood platter. Every boundary seems like an invitation to play hopscotch and obstacles become nothing more than speed bumps on your road to success. As Mars revs up in Sagittarius, it's like having a turbo-boosted vision with the drive to match. It's like being able to see the finish line before the race even starts. But remember, it's not just about getting to the future, it's about enjoying the ride as well. However, be careful not to go full 'Marty McFly in a DeLorean' while Mars is in Sagittarius. We're more impulsive and prone to taking risks, which could lead to some serious 'Great Scott!' moments if we forget to hit the brakes occasionally. Mars in Sagittarius wants us to soak up life like an alien sponge. People, places, experiences, knowledge, beliefs... it's an all-you-can-eat buffet of life's offerings. It's like going on a universal Google search, with the answers potentially hiding anywhere. And speaking of hiding, there's no better time to dust off your suitcases or your curiosity and go on a voyage. Whether it's a cross-country road trip or an intellectual journey through the pages of a book, it's time to expand your horizons. You may just find that the universe is a lot bigger than your backyard, and there's always something new to discover. So, in the immortal words of Doc Brown, "Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one." Mars in Sagittarius is here to help you do just that. Enjoy the ride, folks!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 06 Tau 33' 05", moving backwards at 0.08 degrees per day, and is 623808834km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Ah, my dear cosmic traveler, brace yourself for an interstellar adventure as the mighty Jupiter, the cosmic equivalent of that eccentric uncle who always has intriguing tales to tell, has set up camp in Taurus - the zodiac's version of an old, comfy armchair. You see, when these two celestial bodies get together, it’s like a cosmic game of hide-and-seek. The wisdom we seek isn’t hiding in some far-off nebula or black hole. No, my friend, it’s been snuggled up inside us all along! Just like that TV remote you spent hours looking for, only to find it was under the couch cushions all this time. Spirituality, it seems, is the ultimate cosmic couch potato. Jupiter in Taurus is like getting a deluxe upgrade to your cosmic GPS. It’s time to plot a course towards those far-off dreams and goals. It’s like we're in a real-life game of Space Invaders, only instead of shooting pixels, we're zapping to-do list items with laser-like focus. Jupiter brings the adventurous spirit, while Taurus provides the sturdy spaceship. So, buckle up and trust the journey! Now, let's talk about the space elephant in the room: wealth. With Jupiter, the cosmic lottery winner, hanging out in Taurus, the Wall Street of the zodiac, we're looking at a cosmic bull market. But remember, while the universe may be expanding, your bank account isn't infinite. Be careful not to treat your needs like they're the latest iPhone release. Taurus loves the good life like a black hole loves swallowing stars. And with Jupiter, the planet of 'go big or go home' in the mix, you might feel the urge to indulge more than usual. But remember, Jupiter might be the king of the solar system, but you are the king or queen of your own choices. Choose wisely! So, grab your telescope and don your cosmic thinking cap. Jupiter in Taurus is here to unleash the wisdom within, skyrocket towards your goals, and possibly even unlock the vault of prosperity. Just remember to keep your feet on the ground as you reach for the stars.


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 01 Pis 26' 39", moving at 0.06 degrees per day, and is 1484939888km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Hello, stargazers! Buckle up, because our cosmic road trip is taking us to Saturn in Pisces today. It's like the ultimate mashup of a sci-fi flick and a dreamy art-house film. Saturn, the taskmaster of the cosmos, has taken a detour into the nebulous waters of Pisces. I know, I know, it sounds like the plot of an intergalactic buddy movie where the strict disciplinarian and the dreamy artist have to coexist. Popcorn, anyone? Now, you might be thinking: "Saturn in Pisces? But those two couldn't be more different!" And you'd be right. But, as any good nerd will tell you, when you mix two wildly different elements, that's when the magic happens. Or an explosion. But mostly magic. First off, what's the big deal about Saturn being all the way over in Pisces while we're here on Earth? Well, it's like having a life coach who's also a skilled swimmer when you're trying to navigate the ocean of your dreams. Saturn is here to help us organize our thoughts, make a game plan, and turn those Netflix-binge-fueled daydreams into reality. That being said, Saturn in Pisces isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's more like a stern dad with a soft spot for his dreamer child. He won't hesitate to bust into your room, shake things up, and ask the hard questions, like: "Is this daydream really what you want, or are you just avoiding cleaning your room?" Now, this might sound scary. Like "Oh no, the planet of discipline is in my dream space!" But trust me, Saturn isn't here to ruin the party, he's here to make it better. He's like that friend who insists on cleaning up mid-party so the next morning isn't a total disaster. During this transit, you might find yourself tossing and turning more than usual. It's like your dreams are having a rave and forgot to invite you. It's important to remain calm and grounded during this time. So, dust off that old yoga mat, take up meditation, or just go out for a walk. Remember, even the most brilliant minds need to rest. So, there you have it folks, Saturn in Pisces is here, and though it may feel like a cosmic clash of titans, remember that through discipline and dreams, we can reach the stars. Or at least


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 20 Tau 07' 24", moving backwards at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 2800218663km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus in Taurus: Cosmic Shake-Up, Baby!

Gather round, stargazers, because there's a big cosmic shift afoot! Uranus, that rebellious planet with the funny name (no, you're not too mature for a good Uranus joke), is lounging in Taurus, the bull-headed sign that loves routine, stability, and a good nap. This is like inviting a punk rocker to a tea party – things are bound to get interesting!

Taurus is most comfortable in its cozy, well-lit den, perhaps surrounded by a sea of snacks, or buried under an avalanche of cash. But here comes Uranus, the equivalent of a cosmic wrecking ball, crashing through the walls and yelling, "Surprise!" This might sound like a nightmare to some (looking at you, Taurus), but trust the universe, it's all for the best. Even if we end up with a few metaphorical bruises, we'll likely find ourselves in a much snazzier, open-concept living space when all is said and done.

Now, let's talk moolah. Uranus in Taurus is like a celestial version of a financial advisor who loves sci-fi and has a flair for the dramatic. Expect some revolutionary handling of money, both on a personal and global scale. We're talking digital currencies popping up like mushrooms, banks possibly altering their operations (or just taking a long lunch break), and the housing and stock markets doing the Cha-Cha Slide. Exciting, right? Maybe grab some popcorn.

On a personal level, this transit is all about breaking free from the chains of materialism. Think of it as a cosmic Marie Kondo visit, helping us reassess what sparks joy and what doesn't, especially when it comes to our finances. Debts, taxes, credit card interests, rent, mortgages - they may all take on a different meaning. Maybe we'll start treating money like a game of Monopoly - something to be used strategically and not something that owns us.

So, buckle up, cosmic voyagers! This is one ride we can't skip. Uranus is here to shake things up, and fighting it is like trying to argue with gravity - futile and likely to result in a headache. But remember, this cosmic shift is here to help us build a more stable, fulfilling future, even if it feels like a roller coaster ride now. So


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 24 Pis 53' 18", moving at 0 degrees per day, and is 4445642242km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune In Pisces or Cosmic Hippie Vision Quest

Okay, buckle up stargazers, our beloved Neptune is chillin' in the mysterious waters of Pisces, and it's playing a cosmic game of Marco Polo with us. As the planet of dreams and illusions merges with Pisces' emo-vibes, it's like someone just cleaned our third eye glasses with a bit of Windex. Suddenly, we're seeing HD 4K clarity where there used to be foggy nonsense. It's like realizing your socks have been mismatched all day - hilarious, but also a tad enlightening.

This space-time shindig is not about Star Wars trivia night, but more about figuring out what mad skills we can bring to the intergalactic potluck of life. We've all got something to offer, be it Grandma's secret cookie recipe, or a mind-blowing theory on the existence of extraterrestrial life. Yes, even you, Carl from accounting. Especially you.

Now's the time to sign up for that Crystal Healing 101 course or build that mini Stonehenge in your backyard. And hey, if you're feeling extra adventurous, why not try communicating with the spirit of your third-grade hamster? Just remember, the power of Neptune in Pisces is there to back you up, like a cosmic cheerleader with pom-poms made of stardust.

So, let's dive deep into the cosmic ocean, brave astro-nerds, and remember: just because you can calculate the exact distance to Neptune (which is a mind-blowing 4445574769.892956734km away, by the way), doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy the journey. After all, it's not all about the destination, but the space ride along the way!

p.s. Neptune is currently making its prograde move, so no worries, it's not moonwalking away from Pisces anytime soon.


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 28 Cap 39' 17", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 5327151196km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn: The Cosmic Stand-Up

Dear Earthlings, brace yourselves! Pluto, the galaxy's infamous misfit, is waltzing through Capricorn. Yes, the very same Pluto that lost its planet status and got demoted to a ‘dwarf planet’. But don't let its size fool you; Pluto packs a punch, and it's about as subtle as a supernova at a star's funeral.

Now, think of Capricorn as the Ivy League scholar of the Zodiac Universe — ambitious, disciplined, practical, and slightly obsessed with success. So, when the bad boy Pluto decides to crash this Capricorn party, we're all in for quite the cosmic spectacle. It's like inviting a rockstar to a chess tournament. You know it's going to be interesting.

With these two heavyweights in the same corner, your urge for success might just hit the ceiling. You might find yourself so laser-focused on the prize that you'd steamroll a fluffy unicorn if it dared cross your path. And while ambition can rocket you to the stars, remember not to leave your compassion and tolerance in the space dust. Keep an open mind; don't become the Darth Vader of opinions.

Pluto is all about transformation, which implies tearing down old structures to make way for new ones. It's like having a cosmic Marie Kondo whispering, "Does this negative pattern spark joy? No? Into the black hole, then." But remember, as you channel your inner cosmic destroyer, be mindful not to accidentally vaporize what's important. It's all about balance, my starry-eyed friends. Even the Universe approves of moderation, and it invented black holes!

So, as Pluto pirouettes through Capricorn, remember to mix ambition with compassion, success with tolerance, and destruction with creation. And remember, the Universe has a wicked sense of humor; it's okay to laugh even when Pluto is doing its cosmic cha-cha in your sign.

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun14 Sag 51' 50"
Moon06 Lib 52' 20"
Mercury05 Cap 46' 57"
Venus02 Sco 55' 11"
Mars09 Sag 12' 06"
Jupiter06 Tau 33' 05" R
Saturn01 Pis 26' 39"
Uranus20 Tau 07' 24" R
Neptune24 Pis 53' 18"
Pluto28 Cap 39' 17"

Current Planetary Positions


Mercury Trine Jupiter

Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is with you today. Make long range plans now.Your ideas are big and your intentions noble. You are excellent at seeing the big picture, drawing conclusions, problem solving, and making accurate observations. You love to learn, and spend your life actively absorbing information. Many of you make good teachers with your sincere love of learning and sharing ideas with others. You are also very positive in your communications, readily inspiring others with what you say and how you say it. You are skilled at turning information into an advantage, and in some ways seem to be quite lucky. You are tolerant of other perspectives and ideas, and naturally avoid narrow-minded thinking–in fact you have a huge distaste for it. You are generally at ease conversing with people from all walks of life. You might be especially attracted to learning other languages and learning about foreign cultures. Travel is something that you are strongly attracted to.You are very tolerant, generous and optimistic. You always see the positive side of situations and you are very respectful of the traditions and opinions of others. You have a lot of ability for organizing and planning enterprises. You enjoy traveling and any other activity that helps expand your mind. You possess an ease of communication and the facility of learning other languages. — from the Adult report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Jupiter have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Trines – Jennifer Aniston, Lucie Arnaz, Tom Berger, Wade Boggs, Tony Curtis, Kirk Douglas, Lou Ferrigno, Sean Flannery, Marilyn Manson, Groucho Marx, Jim Morrison, Jack Nicholson, Diana Ross, Yves Saint-Laurent, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey.


Venus Opposite Jupiter

You will probably overindulge yourself today, with regrets later. This is true both with eating and spending. A distinct laziness may overcome you and you will want to be pampered. Self-discipline is needed in order to avoid trouble now or later. Others may think you are too spoiled. Don't procrastinate.These people are big-hearted and warm, with open hearts and a tendency to want to give a lot to the people they love. They can have some problems with following through on their promises, however–not because of any ill intent, but because they sometimes overestimate their personal capabilities, and want to do more, and give more, than is actually possible. At distinct times in their lives, they have a tendency to live beyond their means. They need to be cautious about the tendency to feel overly-optimistic or overly protected. Borrowing from their future and overdoing their indulgence in pleasures is a marked tendency. While people with the conjunction, sextile, or trine between Venus and Jupiter express their bigheartedness, tolerance, generosity, and magnanimity in a generally constant and natural manner, these same expressions for those people with the square, opposition, and quincunx between these planets tend to be problematic at times. Their need for growth, good humor, and fun in their relationships is marked, as is their disdain for insincerity. However, they may attract just those kinds of people simply because they are looking so hard for these traits that they assign them onto undeserving people!Moderation is the most important, and perhaps challenging, lesson in these people’s lives.Interpretation sample from the Your Spiritual Path report — Your sense of form and harmony extend into the important relationships of your life. You seek a strong philosophical connection to match the physical passion. Faithfulness is a key factor if your relationship is to support your spiritual growth, and trust has to work both ways in the partnership.Some Famous People with the Venus in Hard Aspect to Jupiter: Squares – Jason Alexander, Pearl Buck, Julia Child, Joe Cocker, Sean Connery, Alice Cooper, Billy Corgan, e.e. Cummings, John Denver, Michael J. Fox, Andy Gibb, Linda Goodman, Jim Jones, Jessica Lange, David Lynch, Dolly Parton, Tom Paxton, Robert Redford, Lynn Redgrave, Oral Roberts, Maria Shriver, Britney Spears, Tina Turner, Jon Voight, Betty White; Oppositions – Drew Carey, Billy Ray Cyprus, Victor Hugo, Quincy Jones, Tom Selleck, Cat Stevens.


Venus Trine Saturn

You may develop ideas for organizing business, financial, or personal affairs under this transit. You will feel reserved, controlled, and disciplined in any endeavor relating to relationship, beauty, art or music. This is a good time to start a new partnership, perhaps with someone older. Public relations and legal work should go smoothly.People with harmonious aspects between Venus and Saturn in their birth charts have a good sense of what is expected of them in personal relationships, and quite naturally do right by others. Cautious in love, they are careful of what they give out or promise to give, as they generally feel obligated to follow through. They don’t take connections with others lightly, and are more attracted to long-term, committed partnerships than more casual relationships. They usually don’t expect too much from others, and take relationship problems in stride, intuitively understanding that there’s always some bad with any good. It’s not easy to sweep them off their feet, they’re unlikely to lavish affection on someone unless they’re certain that person will return the favor, and they are not risk takers with their hearts. A similar attitude towards money is common as well–they are generally practical and cautious in this department.You feel a strong sense of responsibility to the ones you love, and this is so natural to you that it is second nature. Generally, you exercise caution and good judgment in your relationships with others, and you are understanding when others are in need. You pride yourself on being responsible and trustworthy, and you do whatever you can to compromise when necessary. Perhaps because of the training of your youth, you are well-disciplined and can focus your efforts quite effectively in order to achieve success. Even though you will climb your way to the top of your own ladder, you will not hesitate to offer a hand up to others you meet along the way. This quality is one of the main reasons for your success–your sensitivity to the needs of others.You are a good parent and will be a benevolent disciplinarian. You expect your children to learn to respect others and to be conscious of needs other than their own. Instead of trying to mold them into being a carbon copy of yourself, you will encourage your children to develop their own individuality.In romantic matters, you do not rush headlong into affairs of the heart. You check out each potential partner carefully, assessing their good and bad qualities. Most importantly, you require that the partnership contain mutual respect and loyalty. You feel more comfortable in a stable, long-term relationship than in a series of “casual flings.” It is so natural to you that you are responsible and concerned about the person you love that it completely surprises you when you encounter people who are not the same way, or who take relationships lightly!Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Saturn: Sextiles – Tony Banks, Pat Boone, Pearl Buck, Agatha Christie, Bill Cosby, Sigmund Freud, Grace Princess of Monaco, Wayne Gretzky, Monty Hall, Katie Holmes. Trines – Lucille Ball, Harry Belafonte, David Bowie, Albert Camus, Drew Carey, Crystal Gayle, Arsenio Hall, Patty Hearst, Bette Midler, Arnold Palmer, Sean Penn, John Travolta.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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