By The Chip Witch on Wednesday, 03 January 2024
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 3 January, 2024

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

3 January, 2024

Solar activity reached moderate levels as a result of AR 3536 (N05E49, Eai/beta-gamma) producing an M1.1 flare at 02/1830 UTC. AR 3537 (N18E48, Cao/beta) was stable and inactive. Regions 3534 (S12W22, Bxo/beta) and 3535 (S08W79, Axx/alpha) were both inactive and in decay.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

The solar wind environment was enhanced from what is most likely weak influences from a negative polarity CH HSS. Total field strength peaked at 12 nT and Bz reached a maximum southward deviation of -10 nT early in the day. Wind speeds increased from around 350 km/s to just over 400 km/s, and the phi angle was negative.

There is a 25% chance of solar activity, with a 5% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Libra, at 02 degrees, 44' 25", at a velocity of 11.85 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 21.4 days old. It is 403753.19 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan, 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan, 2024.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Capricorn

The Sun is at 12 Cap 20' 46", and is 147100648km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Libra

The Moon is at 02 Lib 44' 25", and is 403249km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Libra

Greetings, celestial voyagers! Now, brace your gravity boots and adjust your bifocals because the moon - yes, that big ol' cheese wheel in the sky, is vacationing in Libra. You heard it right, folks. The moon has packed its lunar luggage, left the comfort of its crater-filled home, and is sipping cosmic cocktails by the Libran pool, a whopping 403,357.714293050 km away from us. Now, I’m not saying to start worrying about tidal wave changes or werewolves suddenly taking up law degrees. But with the Moon in Libra, we're looking at some serious balance and harmony vibes being sprinkled down on us like stardust seasoning on a galactic pizza. I mean, imagine RoboCop on a yoga mat trying to hold a tree pose. That’s us, folks! Trying to find our balance in this crazy world while looking like we've got a motherboard for a brain. But hey, that's alright! A bit of Libran balance can do wonders for our lives. It's like the universe's way of saying, "Hey, you! Yes, you with the coffee stains on your shirt and the existential crisis. Chill out, will ya?" So, whether you're a cosmic enthusiast or just someone who clicked here by mistake while looking for funny cat videos, remember - the Moon in Libra is here to help us find balance. So, let's take a cue from our lunar friend and try to find our zen, even if we look as ridiculous as RoboCop doing yoga. And if people ask why you're acting strange? Just tell them you're under the influence... of the cosmos! Now, where did I leave my alien-shaped slippers? Stay weird and wonderful, stellar voyagers!


Mercury is in Sagittarius

Mercury is prograde at 22 Sag 16' 37", moving at 0.17 degrees per day, and is 123061312km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Sagittarius

Greetings, celestial voyagers! Guess what? Mercury, that fast-footed planet of communication and travel, has decided to take a cosmic vacation in the wide-open plains of Sagittarius, and boy, is it an adventure! Imagine if you will, Mercury, our close planetary neighbor, packing its little suitcase (probably filled with post-it notes and pens, because organization is key) and setting off on a 122,903,656.094726160km journey towards the land of Sagittarius. Yes, folks, it's prograde time again—when planets move forward in their orbits—and Mercury is ready to rock. Now, when our meticulous Mercury decides to bunk up with Sagittarius, the philosophical archer, we get an interesting mix. It's like inviting a meticulous librarian to a wild philosophical party. And by 'party' I mean 'debate about the meaning of life and the universe.' Mercury in Sagittarius is like a cosmic espresso shot of enthusiasm. Words become more exciting, messages are confidently delivered, and debates... well, let's just say they're as passionate as a Star Trek fan at a sci-fi convention. But remember, fellow stargazers, let's drop our prejudices, but keep our Spock-ian logic intact. Embrace all points of view as we contemplate life's biggest questions, like "Do aliens enjoy watching reruns of Friends?" But caution! With Mercury, the swift-footed messenger, getting swept up in Sagittarius' adventurous spirit, we might find ourselves blurting out things faster than a Trekkie can recite the opening monologue of Star Trek. Double, no triple-check your words during this transit, so you don't end up sounding like the comic relief in a Shakespearean play or causing unintended intergalactic wars. Sagittarius, represented by the Archer, invites us to explore endless possibilities. Mercury's transit here is like a green light for new adventures. Think about planning an interstellar trip (even if it's just in your mind), learning a new language (Klingon, anyone?), or even starting a new job (Astrobiology sounds fun!). So buckle up, my fellow cosmic explorers, as we ride this celestial wave of Mercury in Sagittarius! May your words be as swift as Mercury and your aim as true as Sagittarius. Live long and prosper!


Venus is in Sagittarius

Venus is prograde at 05 Sag 22' 04", moving at 1.22 degrees per day, and is 178928848km away and receding.

Venus Is In Sagittarius

Venus In Sagittarius: Doctor Who Edition

Alright, my star-crossed space cadets, buckle up your asteroid belts because Venus has decided to waltz into Sagittarius like she owns the place. I mean, she's only 178,884,886.525 kilometers away -- practically in our backyard. And guess what? She's doing the cosmic cha-cha in prograde! Now, if you're wondering why this might be significant...well, let's just say things are about to get interesting.

Sagittarius is the interstellar Indiana Jones of the zodiac, always off on some grand adventure. Imagine Venus, that sultry celestial siren, landing in his turf. It's like when the Doctor meets a Dalek, there's bound to be some fireworks. Hearts will be beating like drumming Ood, and trust me, you won't be able to resist their compelling rhythm.

Expect love to take a detour from the usual tracks. You might find yourself drawn to an alien with two hearts—or maybe even three, who knows? Old routines will feel as outdated as a VHS tape in a world streaming 4K videos. It's time to leap into the unknown, or should I say, the "timey-wimey"?

But remember, fellow Whovians, Sagittarius is as carefree as a Weeping Angel is...well, weeping. Try not to get too attached. Keep things light and fun like a perfect jelly baby shared between friends. And beware of illusions! The universe, much like a TARDIS, is bigger on the inside, and not everything is as it appears.

Also, a word of warning. Venus in Sagittarius has the same regard for money as the Doctor has for linear time—none whatsoever. So, unless you have a stash of gold Gallifreyan coins hidden somewhere, I suggest you watch your spending. But hey, a little calculated risk could pay off. Maybe that trip to the planet of Psychic Paper will be worth every penny!

Venus in Sagittarius is all about embracing the bright side, or as I like to say, "Reversing the polarity of the neutron flow." So, put on those psychic paper smiles, grab your sonic screwdrivers, and let's turn this cosmic dance into a party worthy of the Time Lords!


Mars is in Sagittarius

Mars is prograde at 28 Sag 59' 20", moving at 0.74 degrees per day, and is 361557151km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Sagittarius

Greetings, stargazers and fellow space nerds! Put on your 'I want to believe' t-shirts and grab your binoculars, because it's time for an astronomical alert: Mars, aka the Red Planet, is currently having a cosmic party in Sagittarius. Now, we all know Mars has a bit of a reputation. It's the rowdy teenager of the solar system, always stirring up trouble and causing a bit of chaos. And Sagittarius? Well, if there's a sign that knows how to push boundaries, it's our friendly neighborhood Archer. So, what does this mean for us Earthlings? Well, think of it as being invited to the ultimate Star Trek convention where Spock and Captain Kirk are the guests of honor. There's a sense of optimism and possibility that can make even the most introverted of us feel like we can boldly go where no one has gone before. And speaking of boldly going, the spirit of exploration is high with Mars in Sagittarius. You might find yourself yearning to explore new territories, both literally and metaphorically. But be warned, my fellow celestial enthusiasts: while this cosmic combo can inspire us to reach for the stars, it can also cause us to overshoot our landing. There's a risk of going full 'Kirk' and diving headfirst into unknown situations without considering the consequences. Moderation is key here. Remember, you don't need to drink Romulan ale to have a good time! During this transit, it's not just about exploring new places, but new ideas too. Mars in Sagittarius encourages us to open our minds (and hearts) to different perspectives. Perhaps it's time to finally crack open that book on quantum physics or delve into the fascinating world of alien conspiracies. And who says travel has to be physical? With Mars in Sagittarius, you can take a trip to distant galaxies without leaving your living room. Explore the cosmos through documentaries, books, or a good old-fashioned stargazing session in your backyard. In essence, Mars in Sagittarius is all about expanding our horizons and embracing new experiences. So, whether you're planning a trip to Mars (Elon, I'm looking at you) or just geeking out on the mysteries of the universe, remember to embrace the spirit of adventure and keep an open mind. And as always, may the force —I mean, science— be with you!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 05 Tau 35' 54", moving at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 675402302km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus: The Cosmic Bull Market

Alright, buckle up my star-studded compadres. This just in from the celestial grapevine – Jupiter, our favorite cosmic Santa Claus, has checked into its luxurious Taurus suite. Now, before you start picturing a giant gassy planet in a bull onesie, let me break it down for you.

See, Jupiter's the big brain of the solar system. It's like the Stephen Hawking of planets, always pushing us to think deeper and, you know, universally. And Taurus, well, Taurus is the zodiac's most stubborn sign. So, when these two meet, it's like having a profound philosophical debate with a very determined brick wall.

The good thing is, this cosmic combo nudges us to realize that the wisdom we're seeking isn't playing hide and seek in the cosmos; it's chilling right within us, probably binge-watching reruns of 'The Universe' on Netflix.

Jupiter in Taurus is like getting a motivational pep talk from a very patient coach. It's the green light to start working towards those dreams and goals that have been hibernating in the back of your mind. Get out your to-do lists, or chisel them onto stone tablets if you're feeling extra Taurus-y, and start ticking off tasks. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.

Now, Taurus has a bit of a reputation for being a cosmic Kardashian, loving the finer things in life. When Jupiter rolls into town, it's like Black Friday and Cyber Monday got together and decided to throw a party. There's potential for some serious financial gain, so it's a good time to go over your finances with a fine-tooth comb and a large coffee. Just be careful not to mistake needs for wants, or you might end up with an alpaca farm and a lifetime supply of glitter.

So there we have it, folks! Jupiter in Taurus - a time for inner wisdom, steady progress, and potential prosperity. Now, go forth and prosper, but remember – no impulse buying alpacas!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 03 Pis 26' 48", moving at 0.09 degrees per day, and is 1544496481km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

EXTERMINATE!...Your Fears With Saturn In Pisces

Good news, cosmic cadets! It's time to take a trip on the trans-solar express because our ringed friend, Saturn, is currently parked in Pisces, the dreamy sign of the zodiac. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Saturn?! Isn't that the taskmaster of the cosmos? The big bad celestial principal?" Well, yes and no. While Saturn may indeed be the Master of Rules, it's also the ultimate cosmic life coach. And when it takes a swim in the Piscean sea, it's like getting a personal training session from the universe itself. It's all about introspection, baby!

So, grab your dream journal, your favorite nebula-shaped tea infuser, and get ready to meditate on some serious cosmic wisdom. This isn't just about daydreaming of opening a vegan bakery on Mars or writing that epic space opera novel. No, this is about taking those dreams and sprinkling them with Saturnian practicality. It's time to draft your interstellar business plan, crunch the quantum numbers, and maybe even look into some asteroid loans. By tuning into Saturn's lessons, your cosmic path will become as clear as a freshly polished telescope lens.

Now, let's not sugar-coat this cosmic croissant. Saturn in Pisces isn't all warm starlight and unicorn nebulae. It's like your celestial dad barging into your room, telling you to clean up your mess. You might feel defensive, especially if you've been daydreaming a little too much and doing a little too little. But remember, Saturn just wants what's best for you. So, instead of hanging a "No Aliens Allowed" sign on your door, invite Saturn in and listen to its advice. It might just be the cosmic kick in the pants you need.

And here's a pro tip for this transit: don't skimp on the sleep. With all this mental activity, you might feel more restless than a Dalek at a peace conference. That's why it's crucial to cultivate some Piscean peace. Meditate under the moonlight, go for a moonwalk, breathe deeply, and get plenty of shuteye. But keep that dream journal handy! Saturn's lessons often come in nocturnal packages. So, turn down the lights, tune into the cosmos, and let


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 19 Tau 20' 10", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 2843235001km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus in Taurus: A Cosmic Rodeo

Well, folks, it's that time again. Uranus, the galaxy's resident rebel and unofficial party planner, is crashing into Taurus' crib for an extended stay, and it's going to be one heck of a cosmic rodeo! Imagine a bull with a disco ball, if you will. Taurus, our dependable, tried-and-true friend, isn't exactly thrilled about their new roomie who's more into spontaneous dance-offs than chilled Netflix evenings.

But here's the thing about Uranus, it doesn't care much for the status quo. It's the cosmic equivalent of that friend who convinces you to try skydiving when you'd rather be at home baking cookies. Comfort zones? Pfft! Uranus laughs in the face of comfort zones!

Now, Taurus is a bit of a financial whizz-kid. Its love language is basically dollar signs and gold coins. As Uranus sweeps in with its 'money, schmoney' attitude, we can expect some pretty out-of-this-world changes to our financial landscapes. Brace yourselves for cosmic cryptocurrency, intergalactic banks, and an economy rollercoaster that's more thrilling than a Star Trek warp speed chase!

On a personal level, we're all going to feel like we've been enrolled in a Jedi-like training program, learning to break free from the dark forces of debt, taxes, credit card interest, rent, and mortgages. We might start seeing our material possessions as just stuff, not the anchors they've been. So buckle up, my friends, and remember: resistance is futile!

Uranus is like a cosmic chiropractor, making those uncomfortable adjustments that we'd rather avoid but are absolutely necessary for our well-being. It's time to embrace the uncertainty, dance with the unexpected, and remember that change is the only constant in this crazy universe. And who knows? By the end of this cosmic journey, we might find ourselves in a much better place, laughing at our past fears and raising a toast to the future.

So hang tight, stargazers! This Uranus-Taurus mashup might just be the universe's way of saying, "Hold my beer, and watch this!"


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 25 Pis 06' 38", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 4514908502km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Greetings, star gazers and cosmic voyagers! Buckle up your space boots and put on your best pair of metaphysical goggles because Neptune has parked its big, blue self in the mystical realm of Pisces. And let me tell you, it's about as comfortable as a hippie at a free love convention. Now, let's get our nerd on for a moment. Neptune is only a casual 4,514,843,028.627556801km away. Yes, that's right, we've got ourselves a cosmic long-distance relationship happening here. And like any good relationship, communication is key. So what's Neptune whispering from its watery depths? Well, it's currently prograde, which in astro-babble means it's moving in the same direction as the rest of us. So, no rebellion there, folks! Now, what does all this celestial chit-chat mean for you? Grab a cup of herbal tea and let's dive in. With Neptune in Pisces, we're granted a cosmic kaleidoscope that lets us see the world with a new depth of emotion and spirit. It's like suddenly realizing that your favorite pizza is also vegan, gluten-free, and somehow boosts your IQ. This astral alignment is basically shouting from the rooftops that it's time to put aside those petty differences. You know, like whether Star Wars or Star Trek is superior, or if pineapple really has a place on pizza. Instead, it's highlighting the value of unity, like a beacon in the intergalactic fog. Now, this isn't just about singing Kumbaya around a campfire. Nope, this is a call-to-arms for each of us to contribute towards our collective progress and healing. So whip out those hidden talents, secret remedies, and dreams for a better world. Yes, even that dream where you invented a machine that turns broccoli into chocolate. Neptune in Pisces is basically rolling out the red carpet for us to explore our emotional intelligence and discover our unique offerings. Maybe it's time to sign up for that crystal healing course, or finally create your own sacred space at home. Just remember, no sacrificial goats please, we're all about peace and love here! And once you've found your spiritual groove, don't forget to share it with the world. Because, like that one friend who always has a spare charger, Neptune is here to support us in this process. So, dear cosmic beings, let's make the most of this time. After


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 29 Cap 25' 42", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 5364859503km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Pluto In Capricorn: The Cosmic Jigsaw Puzzle

Alright, star gazers, it's time to put on your celestial thinking caps because Pluto, our favourite dwarf planet (sorry, Eris), is doing the mambo with Capricorn, the cosmic goat. And it's not just any old dance – this one's got a beat that could make a mathematician weep. It's all about power, success, and being the best space-goat you can be. But remember folks, with great power comes great...potential for accidentally knocking over the cosmic coffee table.

Pluto's in the driver's seat for this cosmic road trip, and it's brought along its hefty baggage of transformation. It's like that friend who insists on spring cleaning even when it's not spring. And what's it targeting? Our negative patterns that are as useful as a chocolate teapot. This process might feel a bit like a game of celestial Jenga: remove the wrong block, and the whole tower might come toppling down. So remember, folks, be as cautious as a cat on a hot tin roof.

But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. With Capricorn's influence, you've got the focus of a laser-beam and the ambition of an Elon Musk Mars mission. Just remember not to leave your compassion in the dust. It's easy to get caught up in the cosmic rat race and forget about the little people – or in this case, dwarf planets (still sorry, Eris).

So, what have we learned today? When Pluto's in Capricorn, we're all playing a high-stakes game of cosmic monopoly. Be sure to build your hotels wisely, folks, and remember: in the game of life, always try to be the race car, not the thimble. Because who wants to be a thimble, am I right?

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun12 Cap 20' 46"
Moon02 Lib 44' 25"
Mercury22 Sag 16' 37"
Venus05 Sag 22' 04"
Mars28 Sag 59' 20"
Jupiter05 Tau 35' 54"
Saturn03 Pis 26' 48"
Uranus19 Tau 20' 10" R
Neptune25 Pis 06' 38"
Pluto29 Cap 25' 42"

Current Planetary Positions


Mercury Square Neptune

Confusion is likely today in your relationships with other people. Take care and read all the fine print. Stay away from taking permanent legal actions as your thinking is colored by who knows what. You may be suckered into something you don't want to do or don't believe in, so watch your step. Misunderstandings in communicating with others is possible. Remember, they may not be hearing what you are trying to say. Nervous anxiety and tension may make you feel listless today. Don't let your imagination carry you away.You might have problems concentrating because your mind is often wandering. Your thinking is exceptionally imaginative, intuitive, and creative. Stretching the truth, whether done consciously or not (or a bit of both), is associated with this position. Bored with anything dull, routine, or lifeless, you often dramatize or connect higher meaning to ordinary events and situations. You are often vague in your communications, purposefully or not, as you resist being pinned down to any one opinion or stance. This is partly due to your ability to see so many different points of view and perspectives. Logical, detail-oriented work and studies are not designed for your way of thinking and learning. Creative presentations, ripe with images and imagery, are what grab your attention and interest. Your style of communication, or possibly thinking, is often self-defeating, and you should consciously avoid a tendency to give up on projects or plans before they even get off the ground. Planning ahead is not a preference, as you prefer to move along running on the fuel of inspiration and intuition.Your style of communication may be unusual, perhaps with many pauses or digressions. You may be deliberately vague or unintentionally so, depending on your nature. Some of you are great storytellers.Sample interpretation from the Merlin report — Your mind is highly imaginative and creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or musical abilities. As a child, you enjoyed daydreaming, fantasizing, pretending, and probably lived in “your own little world” a good deal. You perceive things which are not obvious to other people and you have an uncanny ability to “read” people and situations without being told anything about them. However, you must learn to discriminate between a true psychic perception and your imagination. Learning to discipline and focus your mind is necessary if you wish to use all of your creative potential. Otherwise, you could be simply a dreamer.Communication with others is difficult for you because you often find words frustrating and inadequate to express your experiences and perceptions. Also, you may purposefully mystify or deceive others.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Neptune: Squares – Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Donald Trump, Jim Bakker, Mae West, Spencer Tracy, Tom Snyder, Rich Little, Jack London, Bob Dylan; Oppositions – Bono (U2), Marlene Dietrich, Richard Chamberlain, Florence Henderson, Charles De Gaulle, Christian Dior.


Venus Square Saturn

You may feel very unloved. You may see people as cold and calculating. People's lack of sympathy may depress you to the bone today. Social, financial, and romantic problems and disappointments characterize this transit. Selfishness and a lack of consideration are probably the reasons. You reap what you sow and now is a good time to analyze yourself and your relationships. There may be difficulties and delays with respect to women in general.Giving and receiving love are not flowing and natural for people born with Venus in hard aspect to Saturn. Blockages are experienced, and love relationships may be a source of frustration as a result, until the natives learn to love themselves, and to feel worthy of love from others. Duty is often associated with love, and some might find themselves stuck in a loveless marriage, for example. Especially in youth, these people might feel awkward in some social situations, unsure of how to express affections, and fearful of rejection. Problematic Saturn positions often get better with age, experience, and practice, however! In its more negative expression, some people with this position learn to scheme in order to get what they want from a partner, or they might treat partnerships as if they were businesses.These aspects can make natives especially sensitive to “cues” that suggest they are not loved or rejected in some way. People with Venus-Saturn in hard aspect can often “expect” rejection in issues of love and care, whether they are conscious of this tendency or not. This can often lead to negative situations in love — and bad timing or the feeling of having “bad luck” in relationships.People with Venus in hard aspect to Saturn might either downplay their physical appearance or pay excessive attention to it. Either way, self-consciousness with adornments is common. Often, people with this position sell themselves short. They are not risk takers when it comes to relationships, often choosing a path that they feel is safe, even if it is an uncomfortable one. Fear of giving can also express itself through tight-fistedness with money.The key to handling these aspects is to learn to loosen up and relax. Know that you may be oversensitive to rejection — and try to gain some perspective when you feel your love is not being returned to your satisfaction. Are you truly letting love in, or is there a part of you that is scared? Could your expectations and “heaviness” in the area of relationships (you might take love more seriously than most) be getting in the way of accepting love and affection? Venus-Saturn people may have deep-seated feelings of being unworthy of love, even if they are able to rationalize and decide otherwise!Alternate interpretations: Venus square Saturn or Venus opposition Saturn: *You are serious and find it difficult to enjoy yourself in a lighthearted, open and playful way with others. You rarely do something purely for pleasure, and can be very close-fisted and parsimonious. Perhaps due to painful separations in your early life, you are very cautious about becoming close to people and sharing your feelings. Though you crave love and affection, intimacy is difficult for you. You may become romantically involved with people who do not value you or treat you well. You need to learn to love and value yourself before you will find happiness in love.#You may find that your best sexual relationships are with individuals who are significantly older or younger than yourself. The role of teacher is so significant in your life that it may pervade your love life. You will need to overcome a sense of reserve or inhibition to deepen your spiritual connection. From the Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with Venus in Hard Aspect to Saturn: Squares – Milton Berle, Julia Child, Mia Farrow, Michael J. Fox, Frank Gifford, Merv Griffin, Adolf Hitler, Dustin Hoffman, Anthony Hopkins, Michael Landon, k.d. lang, Janet Leigh, Charles Manson, Steve McQueen, Joni Mitchell, Dudley Moore, Christina Onassis, Joe Pesci, Michelle Pfeiffer, Lisa Marie Presley, Alicia Silverstone, Oprah Winfrey. Oppositions – Sandra Bernhard, Lisa Bonet, Clint Eastwood, Billy Ray Cyrus, Jimi Hendrix, Victor Hugo, Chaka Khan, Jerry Lee Lewis, Kenny Loggins, Chuck Mangione, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Pryor, Frank Sinatra.


Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Progress can be made in business and professional affairs, especially regarding law, politics, education, religion, and travel. A certain seriousness toward career and life direction is evident. Organized expansion into new areas can further your goals. You have a serious minded, responsible attitude toward achieving your long range goals.You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. You see the reasonableness in the way that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself. You are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you progress. You have a taste for material acquisition but are willing to work for what comes to you. — Interpretation from the Indra report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Jupiter and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Jupiter trine Saturn: *You have a good balance between idealism, optimism, and vision for the future on one hand and a realistic sense of what can actually be achieved on the other hand. Your judgment and business sense are usually quite good. You possess patience and the ability to accept limitation and frustration on the way to your goals.Older, more experienced individuals or mentors are likely to play a significant and beneficial role in your life.Jupiter sextile Saturn: *You have the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth, a fine balance between hard work and realism, and a positive, hopeful spirit. You grow through following systems and plans, and taking one step at a time. Overnight success or instant enlightenment is not what you aim for. Your patient, well-balanced approach gives you credibility with many different types of people, and you are apt to gain an excellent reputation for being able to do big things without overreaching or becoming pretentious.#You have the capacity to endure through the daily grind to find something of spiritual value in your work and relationships. You are happy to spend time in seclusion, studying or meditating.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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