By The Chip Witch on Thursday, 01 February 2024
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 1 February, 2024

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

1 February, 2024

Solar activity was at low levels with only C-class flares. Region 3567 (N19E54, Dai/beta) remained the largest, most complex group in view, and produced a C4.5 flare at 31/0829 UTC. New Regions 3568 (S10W51, Bxo/beta) and 3569 (S12W10, Bxo/Beta) were numbered, but inactive. The other numbered regions were unremarkable. New spots rotated into view on the east limb. Number designation will occur as we get additional spot reports.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters were at nominal levels. Total field ranged 3-5 nT, the Bz component was +/- 4 nT, and solar wind speeds gradually decreased to ~430 km/s. Phi was predominantly in a negative solar sector.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Libra, at 22 degrees, 50' 45", at a velocity of 11.97 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 20.6 days old. It is 400363.61 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 23:00:44, 9 Feb, 2024. The next full moon is at 12:31:19, 24 Feb, 2024.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Aquarius

The Sun is at 11 Aqu 51' 58", and is 147393531km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Libra

The Moon will change from Libra to Scorpio in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 22 Lib 50' 45", and is 401334km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Libra

Greetings, cosmic voyagers! Today the Moon is hanging out in Libra, just like a lazy student lounging in a hammock, contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Or maybe it's debating whether to order pizza or sushi for dinner. Who knows? With Libra, it’s all about balance, man. Thankfully, the Moon is about 401,504.026206554km away, so we don’t need to worry about it breaking the scales! Now, you might be thinking, "Hey, Moon, how about you make up your mind?" But let me tell you, the Moon is as indecisive as a technophobe trying to choose between an iPhone and an Android. So, bear with me... and the Moon. Oh, and guess what? The Moon is about to saunter off into Scorpio in the next 24 hours. It’s like it’s on a cosmic pub crawl, only instead of pubs it's zodiac signs, and instead of beer it’s drinking in celestial vibes. Yeah, I know, I'm stretching the analogy here, but cut me some slack, I'm an astrologer, not a poet! So, what does this mean for you? Well, while the Moon is still in Libra, it's time for you to find balance. Maybe that means finally flipping a coin to decide which Netflix series to binge-watch, or perhaps it's about balancing work and play so you don't burn out. But remember, the Moon's impending jaunt into Scorpio means change is coming. Kind of like when your favorite sci-fi series introduces a plot twist that turns everything upside down. So brace yourself, buckle up, and remember: the universe doesn’t do spoilers. Until then, may the cosmic forces be ever in your favor, space cadets!


Mercury is in Capricorn

Mercury is prograde at 24 Cap 02' 04", moving at 1.48 degrees per day, and is 193430932km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Capricorn

Hey there, star gazers! So, Mercury is shimmying its way through Capricorn, which is quite like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, or like a leaf on the wind… you know, if that wind was blowing through a financial district. Mercury is the "let's chat about it" planet and Capricorn? Well, it's the office workaholic of the zodiac, all business suits and productivity charts. It's like handing the class clown a spreadsheet and telling him to get serious. Hilarious, isn't it? Now, while our fast-talking friend Mercury is gallivanting through Capricorn, you might find yourself thinking with the precision of a Vulcan chess master. Efficiency? Check. Goal setting? Double-check. Clear thoughts? Triple check. Heck, you'll be cutting through misunderstandings and wasted time like a lightsaber through butter. One thing to watch out for during this cosmic mash-up is the risk of turning conversations into a Star Trek rerun. You know the one where everyone’s trying to prove they're the smartest being in the room? Yeah, that. It's easy to get caught up in the "I'm the captain of this spaceship" mentality. Remember, there's room for all ideas on this spaceship we call Earth. So, be a Firefly, not a Death Star. Keep things light, remember to laugh (even at your own nerdy jokes) and no matter what, keep aiming to a productive, Mercury-in-Capricorn kind of way!


Venus is in Capricorn

Venus is prograde at 10 Cap 57' 42", moving at 1.23 degrees per day, and is 204010352km away and receding.

Venus Is In Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn: The Cosmic Love Goat is in Town

Beam me up, Scotty, we're about to get real serious on the love front! Venus, that cosmic diva of desire, has packed her bags and trotted into Capricorn. Now, when I say "trotted," I refer to the symbolic sea-goat this sign represents, not that she's gone horseback riding. So, buckle up buttercups because we're all about to experience a 'Love Actually' meets 'The Big Bang Theory' kind of vibe.

For those of you already sharing your Netflix password with someone special, Venus in Capricorn is your opportunity to sort out your relationship algorithms. It's time for some deep, soul-searching conversations — or at least deciding who gets to control the TV remote. And for my single Pringles out there? Say adieu to flighty flings and hello to potential life-partners. Get ready to swipe right on someone who knows their Star Wars from their Star Trek.

But Venus isn’t just about love; she’s also the goddess of beauty. With her in Capricorn, it's like Project Runway got a dose of the Matrix. The flashy neon colors and wild hairstyles are out. It's time to embrace a more Steve Jobs-esque style – think turtlenecks and spectacles. Also, if you’ve been contemplating an artistic project, now’s the perfect time to start. Capricorn provides the persistence of a determined hobbit on a mission.

And let's not forget the business side of things. Venus in Capricorn could have you evaluating your professional worth faster than a Vulcan can do a mind-meld. Are you getting the recognition you deserve? Are you climbing the career ladder or just dangling from a rung? Take this time to channel your inner Tony Stark and step up your game.

So, whether you're negotiating interplanetary peace treaties or deciding which sci-fi series to binge-watch next, remember: Venus in Capricorn is here to help you level up. Stay stellar, my friends!


Mars is in Capricorn

Mars is prograde at 20 Cap 49' 31", moving at 0.76 degrees per day, and is 346788315km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Capricorn

Mars In Capricorn

Alright Earthlings, grab your telephoto lens and point it to the cosmos because Mars, our ruby-red neighbor, has just moved into Capricorn. I know what you're thinking, "Oh great, another planet moving into another constellation, yawn". But hold off on that interstellar apathy, because this is going to be a wild space ride!

See, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is basically the stern but sensible grandparent of the planetary family. It loves stability and structure more than I love a good Star Trek marathon. And Mars? Well, Mars is like that hyperactive kid who can't sit still in class, always wanting to act and make things happen. So now that they're both hanging out in the same cosmic neighborhood, things are bound to get interesting.

Think of it like this: You're at a party and you invite your fun but chaotic friend (Mars) and your practical, no-nonsense friend (Saturn). At first, it seems like they might be at odds. But then, your chaotic friend gets this crazy idea to build a giant Jenga tower and your practical friend figures out how to make it stable. Before you know it, you've got the most epic game of Jenga happening ever. That's Mars in Capricorn for you.

During this transit, we're all getting a cosmic nudge to not only consider what we're doing but also how we're doing it. Are you just randomly stacking blocks or do you have a strategy? Remember, it's not just about reaching the top, it's about not toppling over in the process. So, whether you're starting a new project or finishing an old one, now's the time to think like a Martian Capricorn - be clear, committed, and stick to your plans.

But hey, let's not forget one thing - Mars and Capricorn might be tough cookies but they're not exactly known for their sensitivity. So while you're out there conquering your goals, don't forget to pack a little compassion in your astronaut backpack. We don't want to step on any extraterrestrial toes on our way to the top of the success ladder, do we?

In conclusion, my dear stargazers, remember to channel your inner Martian Capricorn during this transit. Be ambitious but kind, determined but considerate


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 07 Tau 18' 28", moving at 0.1 degrees per day, and is 743783130km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus: The Cosmic Bull in the Galactic China Shop

Alright, stargazers, buckle up and grab your cosmic bull by the horns! Jupiter, our favourite gas-giant-next-door, has sidled its way into the celestial territory of Taurus. Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the astrological workings, this might sound like your GPS has gone haywire, but fear not! This is just a bit of celestial hobnobbing.

Jupiter is like that eccentric uncle who shows up at family gatherings, sparking up philosophical debates and encouraging everyone to think deeper. Taurus, on the other hand, is that cousin who's always stopping to smell the roses, casually munching on life's pleasures with a steadfast determination. When these two come together, it's like a cosmic mindfulness retreat, reminding us to slow down, chill out, and remember there's more to life than our Netflix queue.

Now, picture Jupiter in Taurus like a galactic to-do list - an opportunity to get cracking on those lofty dreams and goals that have been gathering dust. It's like having a motivational speaker and an extremely competent PA rolled into one, nudging you towards tangible achievements. So, revise those vision boards, folks!

And let's talk about prosperity. Jupiter is known as the 'Great Benefic', the godfather of good fortune while Taurus is all about the Benjamins. Blend these energies, and you've got yourself a pretty solid recipe for financial growth. But be careful, Taurus has a knack for indulgence, and when paired with Jupiter's expansive vibes, it can be like a cosmic buffet – you're going to want to eat EVERYTHING. Remember, moderation is key. Nobody likes a cosmic food coma.

So, during this transit, let's learn to balance our needs and wants, embrace patience, and maybe, just maybe, we'll find that the wisdom we seek isn't in some far-off galaxy, but right here, within us. And if everything else fails, remember this - Jupiter is roughly 743,691,369.315019131km away. Now, that's some serious social distancing!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 06 Pis 28' 13", moving at 0.11 degrees per day, and is 1588093389km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Greetings, Star Gazers! The Great Ringmaster Saturn has decided to take a vacation in the nebulous waters of Pisces. Now, don't be alarmed, but this is somewhat akin to Spock deciding to take up interpretive dance! It's a bit out of character, but also intriguingly fascinating. Saturn, our favorite cosmic taskmaster, usually likes things neat, tidy, and organized to the nth degree. But now he's deep diving into the mystical ocean of Pisces, where everything's as clear as a bowl of primordial soup. What's that you say? You're dreaming of opening a Klingon opera house? Well, then fetch a notepad, because Saturn is about to coach you like a Federation drill sergeant! Remember, Saturn is the grand architect of the zodiac, and he doesn't do half-baked ideas. While swimming in Pisces, he's going to question every detail of your dream, and may even knock on the door of your psyche (no "Do Not Disturb" sign will deter him!). Don't worry, he's not there to rain on your parade, but rather to ensure your grand idea doesn’t end up like a malfunctioning holodeck program. Now, with Saturn's keen focus set to Piscean mode, you might find yourself struggling with sleep — a bit like trying to catch a Tribble on a greased warp drive. It’s important to channel your inner Vulcan during this time. Meditate, take a stroll through a holographic forest, practice deep breathing, or take a nap (with a dream journal at hand, of course). Remember, even androids need to recharge! While Saturn's stay in Pisces might feel as awkward as a Ferengi at a philanthropy conference, it's a golden opportunity to solidify your dreams. So, brace yourself for some cosmic spring cleaning, and remember - resistance is futile!


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 19 Tau 05' 57", moving at 0 degrees per day, and is 2911194186km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Alright, space cadets, listen up! So, our buddy Uranus is currently taking a vacation in Taurus and lemme tell ya - it's basically like a vegan at a steakhouse, a fish on a bicycle, or Spock at a Klingon poetry slam. It's a bit of a cosmic culture shock, ya dig? Taurus, bless their bull-headed hearts, like things as steady as a Star Trek marathon on a Sunday afternoon. They're not big fans of change, especially the kind that comes outta nowhere like a plot twist in a M. Night Shyamalan movie. But guess what? Change is Uranus' middle name. Actually, it's "I'm-gonna-shake-things-up-so-much-you'll-think-you're-in-a-blender," but that's a mouthful. Now, Taurus has a PhD in handling money - they know their dollars and cents better than Sheldon Cooper knows his quantum physics. But with Uranus in the mix, we might see some real funky business going down with our Benjamins. We're talking revolutionizing our piggy banks, folks! Over the next seven years, Uranus is gonna be causing a cosmic ruckus in Taurus, which could lead to dramatic changes in banks, currency forms, and markets. Who knows, maybe Bitcoin will finally make sense! On a personal level, this celestial hoedown is all about breaking free from the almighty dollar's clutches. You know what I'm talking about — the never-ending mortgage payments, the soul-sucking credit card interest, even the dreaded word... taxes. Yikes! It's time to redefine your relationship with the moolah and material possessions, my friends. Don't resist the changes; it's as pointless as wearing a red shirt on an away mission in Star Trek. Embrace it! The rewards could be as satisfying as cracking a complex algorithm or finally reaching the end of a Lord of the Rings marathon. So buckle up, space nerds! Uranus is in Taurus and it's going to be a wild ride.


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 25 Pis 46' 33", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 4578417181km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Well, gather 'round, space cowpokes and celestial enthusiasts, 'cause the stars are spinning a yarn worth listenin' to. Neptune is currently doing the Pisces two-step, and let me tell ya, it's like watching a gorram ballet in the cosmos. If you're not familiar with the lingo, Neptune is goin' prograde, which in layman's terms means it's movin' in the right direction. So, if you've been feeling like your spaceship has been aimlessly driftin', this might be the celestial sign you've been waitin' for. Now, Neptune in Pisces is kinda like when Kaylee gets her hands on a fresh strawberry. There's a sweetness to it, a clarity that makes you forget about all the ruttin' troubles of the 'verse. This ain't the time to be squabbling over who last used the sonic spanner or why Jayne's hat is so gorram ugly. It's a moment of unity, a chance to see the bigger picture. This particular cosmic shindig is askin' us to consider what we can bring to the table. No, I don't mean Mal's special protein stew, I'm talking about sharing your gifts, your dreams, your wild and wacky ideas that just might work. This is the perfect time to take up that spiritual yoga class, build yourself a zen garden in the cargo bay, or start whispering sweet nothings to your potted plant. And remember, there's no need to keep these revelations to yourself. The 'verse is a big place, and there's plenty of room for all our voices. So, whether you're steering your ship through the Black or just trying to keep your crew from mutiny, remember: Neptune in Pisces is here to guide you, even if it is almost 5 billion kilometers away. And you know what they say: Distance makes the heart grow fonder... or was it wiser? Ah, well. Same difference in the 'verse.


Pluto is in Aquarius

Pluto is prograde at 00 Aqu 21' 47", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 5371698207km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Aquarius

Hello there, star gazers and science nerds alike! I've got some cosmic news for you. Ever heard of our distant cousin, Pluto? Well, it's currently hanging out in Aquarius, doing its thing. Now, Pluto is a whopping 5,371,706,992.544091225km away (yes, including the decimal points because accuracy matters). And guess what? It's moving forward, not backward — that's what we call prograde. So, what does this mean for us mere Earthlings, you ask? Well, picture Pluto as the Gandalf of planets, a master of transformation - serious, soul-changing stuff. This isn't your ordinary ‘new year, new me’ kind of change. Oh no! We're talking about shedding old identities like a snake sheds its skin, making room for a whole new you. But, hang on to your telescopes, because it gets even more interesting! Aquarius is the harbinger of progress and when you mix Pluto's transformative vibes with Aquarius' forward-thinking spirit, it's like mixing Mentos with Coke - expect a big bang! In the grand scheme of things, this could mean major advancements in science, technology, and perhaps even space travel. Imagine being able to order a pizza from Mars! But more importantly, this potent cocktail of celestial energies could ignite a global shift towards more civil rights and humanitarianism. Think Star Trek but without the Klingons! On a personal level, this cosmic duo nudges us to think beyond ourselves. It's like Yoda whispering in our ears, "Transform your view of yourself, you must. Think of others first, you should." While it’s great to plan our individual futures, imagine if we instinctively thought about what’s best for everyone? Pluto in Aquarius is like a cosmic wake-up call. It's asking us to be more like The Avengers and less like Loki. It's an invitation to a universal party of change. So, will you RSVP?

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun11 Aqu 51' 58"
Moon22 Lib 50' 45"
Mercury24 Cap 02' 04"
Venus10 Cap 57' 42"
Mars20 Cap 49' 31"
Jupiter07 Tau 18' 28"
Saturn06 Pis 28' 13"
Uranus19 Tau 05' 57"
Neptune25 Pis 46' 33"
Pluto00 Aqu 21' 47"

Current Planetary Positions


Mercury Conjunct Mars

Pour constructive energy and action into communication, writing, reading and anything of a mental nature. Do all your errands today. Your mind is active and it may be difficult at times to slow it down and relax. Your nerves are wound up and it may be necessary for you at some time today to force yourself to seek a quiet place and recoup your strength. Watch a tendency to argue with friends, display impatience, especially while driving, and to generally be on edge. Do not let your high energy level today cause you to become reckless or careless. Pay attention to the things you do and slow down a bit. Remember, discipline. You feel very self-assertive today. Do not let your ego ride roughshod over the people you deal with today. Control your temper AND your tongue. Avoid petty gossip and talking about people behind their backs.



Mercury Sextile Neptune

Today is a day for wishing upon a star and imagining that your most heartfelt dreams can and will come true. Idealism is high and you are both inspirational and imaginative. Your visualization powers are effective and strong. Somehow, you just know things today. Trust your intuition. Do some spiritual study. Listen to some inspirational and uplifting music.You are creative, perceptive, and imaginative. You draw heavily on your imagination and intuition to come to conclusions and make decisions. You easily sense the thoughts and feelings of others, and you are adaptable in your communications as you pay attention to how your words are received. You express yourself with subtle flair, sensitivity, and perhaps some charming quirkiness. You have an appreciation, and perhaps talent, for photography, the arts, poetry, fiction, spirituality, advertising, and promotion. You are naturally open to metaphysical or spiritual concepts. You might believe in things that others discard, and some with this position at least seem a little naive or childlike. Many of you have psychic ability, or at least very good hunches.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Neptune have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Neptune: Sextiles – Brad Pitt, Fred Astaire, Drew Barrymore, John Cleese; Trines – Vanessa Redgrave, Michael J. Fox, Tammy Wynette, Oscar Wilde, Shirley Temple Black, Robb Thomas, Mia Farrow, Meryl Streep.


Mars Trine Uranus

Today can be enlightening for you as there is much creative and intuitional energy available. New encounters and new experiences can make you grow. Excitement is in the air and you are ready for anything. You feel like taking risks and it's not a bad day to do so, even if others disapprove. You are the pioneer today. Go where you haven't gone before.You are highly original and very enthusiastic about life. You express yourself with creative drama, which leaves a lasting effect on others. In order to explore your numerous creative potentials, you demand a great deal of personal freedom from those who are close to you. You have seemingly unlimited energy with which to pursue your goals and have many projects to occupy your time. You sometimes become impatient because you have so much you want to accomplish and only a limited amount of time to do so. You truly enjoy having limitless options in your life and feel sorry for those who lead a more boring existence! Never bored, you want to surround yourself with others who are exciting and futuristic in their outlook.One lesson of this aspect is to learn to be patient with others who are not similarly inclined. Also, learn to do things in moderation. Take a vacation and unwind from time to time. In your love life, you are impulsive and can become restless if the relationship doesn’t seem to be going somewhere. The idea that you can grow as an individual while maintaining a partnership is important to you. Your sexual needs are strong, and you need a partner who shares this quality. You have inexhaustible reserves of physical energy when it comes to sex, and you find it extremely natural to experiment and to introduce variety into your sex life. You don’t quite understand it when a partner doesn’t have the same need! To you, changing the way you make love is completely natural, and you wouldn’t have a good time with a partner who prefers to keep things status quo in the bedroom. However, you are willing to accept your partner’s limits, and you take things in stride. An exciting and fun lover, you don’t bore a lover or get into the kinds of sexual “ruts” that some people do. You may find marriage rather restrictive and prefer to enter into a more unconventional arrangement, such as a live-in relationship. You have a wide circle of friends, and your mate must be willing and able to not restrict your access to them through possessiveness or jealousy. There is no quicker way to lose you! — Interpretation samplr from our LoveStyles Report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mars and Uranus have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Alternate, short interpretations: Mars sextile Uranus or Mars trine Uranus: *You are dynamic, decisive, and somewhat impulsive. You respond quickly and spontaneously to challenges, and you enjoy vigorous physical activities that require fast reflexes and a good sense of rhythm and timing. You have an abundance of energy and vitality, and a restless desire to see progress and change – you hate stagnation. You are individualistic and make a good leader, spearheading new projects and inspiring others to act.#You find yourself brushing up against dangerous situations. Spiritually you learn from each one, eventually learning how to help others without taking unnecessary risks yourself.Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Uranus: Sextiles – Orson Welles, Marlon Brando, Emily Dickinson, O. Henry, Alfred Hitchcock, Fred Savage. Trines – Oprah Winfrey, Oliver Stone, Jada Pinkett Smith, Andre Agassi.


Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Progress can be made in business and professional affairs, especially regarding law, politics, education, religion, and travel. A certain seriousness toward career and life direction is evident. Organized expansion into new areas can further your goals. You have a serious minded, responsible attitude toward achieving your long range goals.You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. You see the reasonableness in the way that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself. You are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you progress. You have a taste for material acquisition but are willing to work for what comes to you. — Interpretation from the Indra report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Jupiter and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Jupiter trine Saturn: *You have a good balance between idealism, optimism, and vision for the future on one hand and a realistic sense of what can actually be achieved on the other hand. Your judgment and business sense are usually quite good. You possess patience and the ability to accept limitation and frustration on the way to your goals.Older, more experienced individuals or mentors are likely to play a significant and beneficial role in your life.Jupiter sextile Saturn: *You have the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth, a fine balance between hard work and realism, and a positive, hopeful spirit. You grow through following systems and plans, and taking one step at a time. Overnight success or instant enlightenment is not what you aim for. Your patient, well-balanced approach gives you credibility with many different types of people, and you are apt to gain an excellent reputation for being able to do big things without overreaching or becoming pretentious.#You have the capacity to endure through the daily grind to find something of spiritual value in your work and relationships. You are happy to spend time in seclusion, studying or meditating.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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