The next Capricorn will start in 288 days (Sunday, 21 December, 2025, 20:59 UTC)

The Moon moves to Capricorn in 14 days (Saturday, 22 March, 2025, 20:59 UTC)

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 300 days (Friday, 02 January, 2026, 20:59 UTC)

Venus moves to Capricorn in 291 days (Wednesday, 24 December, 2025, 20:59 UTC)

Mars moves to Capricorn in 282 days (Monday, 15 December, 2025, 20:59 UTC)

There are no planets in Capricorn at this time.

Capricorn Report

"Capricorn, Brace Yourself! Saturn's Got its Gravitational Pull in a Twist, and It's About to Spin Your Goat-Fish Tail in a Cosmic Hoedown!"

We are currently in the sign of Capricorn

The Moon moves to Capricorn tomorrow, at Wednesday, 10 January, 2024

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 5 days, at Sunday, 14 January, 2024

Venus moves to Capricorn in 15 days, at Wednesday, 24 January, 2024

Mars is currently in Capricorn

Pluto is currently in Capricorn

The Waning Crescent moon is currently 27.2 days old. The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan 2024.

Hello, my celestial Capri-cornucopia! You've got Mars and Pluto both crashing at your place, huh? Well, Mars is like that rowdy cousin who shows up unannounced with a six-pack of cosmic energy drinks and an armful of action movies. Expect some epic space battles in your immediate future. Or, you know, maybe just a sudden urge to rearrange the furniture or start a new exercise routine. Now, Pluto on the other hand, it’s the misunderstood bad boy of the solar system. It’s not here to cause trouble, really. It’s just here to make you think… and feel… and question the very fabric of your existence. Yeah, it's like a goth teenager who just discovered Nietzsche. But don't worry, this existential crisis comes with a side of transformative growth. You'll be a butterfly by the end of this, promise! As for that Waning Crescent moon, it's in its "I'm not a phase" phase. It's like a teeny tiny sliver of celestial cheese just hanging out in the sky. Use this time to let go of the old and prepare for the new. Speaking of new, there's a full moon on the horizon, specifically at 17:54:43 on the 25th of January, 2024. Or as I like to call it, "Werewolf Time". You might want to invest in some silver bullets. Or, you know, just plan for a night of intense emotional reflection. Capricorn, you're in for a wild ride. Just remember to keep your space helmet on tight and embrace the chaos. Remember, the universe doesn't give us anything we can't handle... unless it's a black hole. Then, you're pretty much space toast. Good luck! #CapricornChaos #MarsMadness #PlutoPhilosophy #CheeseMoon #WerewolfTime Stay stellar, Capricorn!


SignToday Is Posting: 09.01.2024 08:32:01 (cap-09-01-2024)

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