The next Capricorn will start in 288 days (Sunday, 21 December, 2025, 22:00 UTC)

The Moon moves to Capricorn in 14 days (Saturday, 22 March, 2025, 22:00 UTC)

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 299 days (Thursday, 01 January, 2026, 22:00 UTC)

Venus moves to Capricorn in 291 days (Wednesday, 24 December, 2025, 22:00 UTC)

Mars moves to Capricorn in 282 days (Monday, 15 December, 2025, 22:00 UTC)

There are no planets in Capricorn at this time.

Capricorn Report

"Capricorn, brace your circuits: It's not a trap, just Venus in retrograde! Prepare for emotional overloads and occasional system glitches!"

The next Capricorn will start in 276 days, at Sunday, 22 December, 2024

The Moon moves to Capricorn in 11 days, at Monday, 01 April, 2024

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 294 days, at Thursday, 09 January, 2025

Venus moves to Capricorn in 236 days, at Tuesday, 12 November, 2024

Pluto moves to Capricorn in 165 days, at Monday, 02 September, 2024

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 11.2 days old. The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr 2024.

Hello, Cosmic Capricorns! 🐐🌌 Your ruling planet, Saturn (a.k.a. "The Old Man of the Cosmos") is sending you vibes slower than a dial-up internet connection. 😆 So, slow down, reboot, and remember: patience is a virtue, especially when dealing with buffering! The Waxing Gibbous moon 🌔, currently at 11.2 days old (or 269.28 hours if you're as nerdy as me), is shining brighter than the LED screen of a vintage computer game. This lunar phase is all about fine-tuning and refining - like updating your software or cleaning your keyboard crumbs (Yes, I see them!). Maybe it's time to debug your personal code, Cap? 🧐 Delete any outdated files, virus-infected relationships, and don't forget to empty your recycle bin of past mistakes. 🗑️💻 Remember, just like a moon has phases, so does life. And while you may not have control over the WiFi signal, you do have control over your reactions. So, tune in to the cosmic router and download some patience, persistence, and positivity! #CapricornChaosControlled #CosmicCodeCleanup #GibbousGiggles #SaturnSlowdown #AstrologyAntivirus 🌌🤓


SignToday Is Posting: 21.03.2024 08:32:01 (cap-21-03-2024)

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