The next Leo will start in 136 days (Tuesday, 22 July, 2025, 20:26 UTC)

The Moon moves to Leo tomorrow (Monday, 10 March, 2025, 20:26 UTC)

Mercury moves to Leo in 110 days (Thursday, 26 June, 2025, 20:26 UTC)

Venus moves to Leo in 170 days (Monday, 25 August, 2025, 20:26 UTC)

Mars moves to Leo in 41 days (Friday, 18 April, 2025, 20:26 UTC)

There are no planets in Leo at this time.

Leo Report

"Engage in Laughter, Leo! Warp Speed Ahead for Love, Stellar Shenanigans and Cosmic Coffee Spills!"

The next Leo will start in 219 days, at Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

The Moon moves to Leo in 12 days, at Friday, 29 December, 2023

Mercury moves to Leo in 199 days, at Wednesday, 03 July, 2024

Venus moves to Leo in 208 days, at Friday, 12 July, 2024

Mars moves to Leo in 323 days, at Monday, 04 November, 2024

The Waxing Crescent moon is currently 4.7 days old. The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan 2024.

Hey, Leos! Look alive, you fire-breathing celestial lions. 🦁 Under the watchful eye of a waxing crescent moon, and with Mercury in your house, it's time to turn your attention to your communication channels. I'm not talking about your Wi-Fi connection or your smartphone updates (though if your apps are crashing, it might be a good time to handle that too). I'm talking about your inter-personal, inter-galactic, and intra-psychic communication. Yeah, it's a big deal. Have you been wanting to express something to someone but keep getting tongue-tied or keyboard-shy? Well, now is the time to put on your cosmic cowboy boots and tap dance through those fears. Remember, you're a Leo, the zodiac equivalent of a rockstar astronaut. Fear is just false evidence appearing real; don't let it fool you. Let your mane down and roar. Now, with the moon being 4.7 days old (Ah, such a youngster! They grow up so fast, don't they?), it's a great time to plant the seeds for your future. Just like a nerdy scientist meticulously plans an experiment, map out your goals and intentions. Then, with the confidence of a hippie at Woodstock, go forth and manifest your dreams! And remember, just like a black hole, you've got an enormous gravitational pull. You attract the energy that you put out, so make sure it's positive, loving, and full of groovy vibes. Be the cosmic change you want to see in the universe, baby! #LeoLove #WaxingCrescentWisdom #CosmicCowboy #ManifestingMagic


SignToday Is Posting: 17.12.2023 07:42:01 (leo-17-12-2023)

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